
I hope people dont look at me and others who purchased a home pre-2020 like we do Boomers

I was able to buy a home 6 years ago. I bought a small, less than modest house by most people's standards in 2017. 1400sq ft in the Southern US. I got it for $99,500 and my payment is $556 monthly. Today its valued at $135, 000. It went up almost 50% I see how awful it is now and I cant even dream of affording to ever upgrade. But I cant help but wonder if people from now moving forward will treat myself and others like we do boomers when it comes to them being able to do afford things. I just happened to make the purchase when I did and everything hit the fucking fan less than 3 years later.

I was able to buy a home 6 years ago. I bought a small, less than modest house by most people's standards in 2017. 1400sq ft in the Southern US. I got it for $99,500 and my payment is $556 monthly. Today its valued at $135, 000. It went up almost 50%

I see how awful it is now and I cant even dream of affording to ever upgrade. But I cant help but wonder if people from now moving forward will treat myself and others like we do boomers when it comes to them being able to do afford things. I just happened to make the purchase when I did and everything hit the fucking fan less than 3 years later.

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