
I just can’t take this anymore

My lazy slob coworker gets to sit around and gamble all day long via his phone on the company’s time yet I’m forced to be covering at other district stores because I am the only one that knows how to complete store operations and legal tasks. We are working the same position. I’m on the verge of a complete mental breakdown. I am not compensated enough for this nor am I ever graciously thanked for being the lovely “team player” I am. Sadly, I have no out. I’ve applied to so many other positions and I’ve heard nothing. Waking up every day is a chore I’d just rather not do anymore.

My lazy slob coworker gets to sit around and gamble all day long via his phone on the company’s time yet I’m forced to be covering at other district stores because I am the only one that knows how to complete store operations and legal tasks. We are working the same position. I’m on the verge of a complete mental breakdown. I am not compensated enough for this nor am I ever graciously thanked for being the lovely “team player” I am. Sadly, I have no out. I’ve applied to so many other positions and I’ve heard nothing. Waking up every day is a chore I’d just rather not do anymore.

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