
I just don’t give a fuck anymore

I used to want to be the best programmer I could be. I wanted to work for one of those elite tech companies – you know, the Facebooks and the Googles. I wanted the big salary and the satisfaction of knowing that I'd secured a job at one of those companies and so succeeded where many had failed. I wanted to be the best at what I do. Now, I work as a programmer for the government. Extremely average pay, massive job security, great pension – and relatively non-prestigious tech work. And you know what? I like it. I have great work-life balance and nice colleagues. Sure the technologies we use are kinda old and not cutting edge. Other programmers I meet won't be impressed after I tell them where I work. But who gives a shit? I can go to the office whenever I want, mostly work whatever hours…

I used to want to be the best programmer I could be. I wanted to work for one of those elite tech companies – you know, the Facebooks and the Googles. I wanted the big salary and the satisfaction of knowing that I'd secured a job at one of those companies and so succeeded where many had failed. I wanted to be the best at what I do.

Now, I work as a programmer for the government. Extremely average pay, massive job security, great pension – and relatively non-prestigious tech work. And you know what? I like it.

I have great work-life balance and nice colleagues. Sure the technologies we use are kinda old and not cutting edge. Other programmers I meet won't be impressed after I tell them where I work.

But who gives a shit?

I can go to the office whenever I want, mostly work whatever hours I want to (as long as I get shit done) and the workplace is very humane. It is unionised and staff are encouraged to join one of the recognised trade unions and be active in it.

Bezos and Zuck can suck eggs

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