
I just found out I’ll never be paid on par with my peer

I have been working for a company that I thought I really liked for several years now. I have absolutely amazing performance reviews, have trained all of the incoming people, and I am the person that everyone goes to when something breaks or someone doesn't know what is going on. Recently, there was an opportunity that opened up. This opportunity is a significant increase to the workload, but the listed salary range appeared to reflect that. The job is in the same department and even reports up to the same person. When I applied, I received an interview request within an hour and they essentially closed the listing. I was told by the hiring manager that I was the top choice and she was pleased I applied because I already knew the job. I got through the interview process and received a verbal offer…only to find the salary was significantly…

I have been working for a company that I thought I really liked for several years now. I have absolutely amazing performance reviews, have trained all of the incoming people, and I am the person that everyone goes to when something breaks or someone doesn't know what is going on.

Recently, there was an opportunity that opened up. This opportunity is a significant increase to the workload, but the listed salary range appeared to reflect that. The job is in the same department and even reports up to the same person. When I applied, I received an interview request within an hour and they essentially closed the listing. I was told by the hiring manager that I was the top choice and she was pleased I applied because I already knew the job. I got through the interview process and received a verbal offer…only to find the salary was significantly less than what is appropriate and less than the external listing. I asked about this and was told that where I live is significantly cheaper, so the salary is less. They also said that there is a “cap” on how much they'll increase a salary for internal people. I asked if the job responsibilities were less for the lesser salary and because of where I live. They said no. I told them to send me over the offer so I can review it and make my final decision. At this point, the HR person smiled and he nodded, I guess assuming his explanation was good enough. Every day, they would reach out to me asking if I have made a decision, and I purposely strung them along, waiting the longest I could, making them think I was still just “finishing up financial comparison stuff”.

After a little over a week, they told me they couldn't wait any longer and needed an answer. I messaged the hiring manager instead and turned it down, explaining why. She was absolutely livid and went to HR, arguing about the salary with them (I was copied on the emails). The HR people would not budge and the rumor is that all other candidates except the least favorable have dropped out or moved on with fifteenth opportunities. The thing is, the reason this job is open is because every single person hired into it leaves within months because it's complicated, demanding, and the salary is too low. It's also grossly misrepresented in the listing. I know this because I've been filling in during the gaps–which I will no longer be doing.

During the week and a half, I actually met with one of my co-workers who is also a good friend. I found out (receipts were provided) that they were hired in at $10k/yr. More than me to begin with and they haven't even been there a year! I trained all of these people. I've done everything I could to maximize my “value” to them. And it's not like we both live in LA or NYC. All of us live in the Midwest! My peer is being paid $10k more than me because of where they live. The promotion they offered me for the much more complicated job WASN'T EVEN EQUAL TO MY PEER'S PAY THAT IS DOING MY SAME JOB THAT IS LESS THAN HALF AS COMPLICATED AND DEMANDING. My peer is outraged for me and I have also spent this time applying externally and have convinced them to go with me should we both find something. I've decided that I've given enough to this company and they have clearly shown that they not only don't value me, but that I'll never be allowed to be on par with my peers no matter how hard I work.

I guess this is me giving my quiet quitting notice –effective today.

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