
I just got threatened by my manager

I work in IT, as a support tech. Yesterday, my manager called me, and explained to me that he just got yelled at by his own boss because of low performance in a part of our job. The issue is: we, support technicians, are supposed to create tickets in order to document every job we do to help out the people needing support; but lately, we have been making fewer and fewer tickets to document those. I'm not gonna lie, that is true. We have had less work lately, which is one explanation, but we also changed our ticket system to a new one, less intuitive and more annoying to use, which doesn't make us very eager to create tickets. On top of that, I suffer from a slight attention disorder, which means I usually do a job and then if I don't immediately create the ticket for it, and…

I work in IT, as a support tech. Yesterday, my manager called me, and explained to me that he just got yelled at by his own boss because of low performance in a part of our job. The issue is: we, support technicians, are supposed to create tickets in order to document every job we do to help out the people needing support; but lately, we have been making fewer and fewer tickets to document those.

I'm not gonna lie, that is true. We have had less work lately, which is one explanation, but we also changed our ticket system to a new one, less intuitive and more annoying to use, which doesn't make us very eager to create tickets. On top of that, I suffer from a slight attention disorder, which means I usually do a job and then if I don't immediately create the ticket for it, and start some other task because I need to do that task, I'll just forget about the ticket. This is in no way an excuse, just an explanation on why we (and especially I) had low performance in regards of tickets lately.

Now come my manager explaining this to me, and amongst the several not so great ways he's used to make it clear to me that he's very unhappy about that, he mentions that if I want to, he can just start acting just as if I was back working at The Other Company (false name of course).

The Other Company is a job I had a few years back, that I told him about, and that got me pretty much traumatized. What I experienced there was permanent micro-management; daily derogatory remarks; being belittled and questioned in my capacity to do my job properly; timed on every break I was taking and even though I was taking exactly the time I was allowed, and asked to take shorter breaks because I needed to get work done; forced to wear a suit even when my job requires me daily to get on all fours under the desks of users to work out cables, etc… Literally, harassment and bullying.

He knows about that. I told him on several occasions what I had to go through there. And he still threatened me to act that way and make me go back to a work environment where I cannot feel at ease.

So anyway, I have an appointment with HR in an hour to inform them of what happened.

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