
I just had a bomb dropped on me and I need to vent.

I was hired on by a local infrastructure company as an IT director. Was making a starting salary of $62,500. Not terrible for my area. I've been here since April of 23. Turns out, I was not doing any IT work. I became the gopher for anyone in the company and ended up doing other peoples jobs for them. The thought was that I would be moved up to project manager (the job I really wanted). ​ Anyways, I was doing so good at other people's jobs, that they hired a new IT person last week. Whatever, I was kept busy and I was doing more field work so i thought they were gearing me up to be a project manager. ​ Today I was told that I will begin training in another department starting me out at $18/hour. Working nights. 70-90 hours a week, compared to my current job…

I was hired on by a local infrastructure company as an IT director. Was making a starting salary of $62,500. Not terrible for my area. I've been here since April of 23.

Turns out, I was not doing any IT work. I became the gopher for anyone in the company and ended up doing other peoples jobs for them. The thought was that I would be moved up to project manager (the job I really wanted).

Anyways, I was doing so good at other people's jobs, that they hired a new IT person last week. Whatever, I was kept busy and I was doing more field work so i thought they were gearing me up to be a project manager.

Today I was told that I will begin training in another department starting me out at $18/hour. Working nights. 70-90 hours a week, compared to my current job making $30/hour on a 40 hour work week salary. With overtime, i'd have to work 57.8 hours AT NIGHT to break even on my paycheck, which is barely enough as it is. I have an infant son whom I love so much. one of the things I told myself when he was born was that I was not going to let work get in the way of me being a good dad to him, as that's what my own father did/is. He's a workaholic. Barely has time for himself. Never had time for us growing up. I refuse to work 80 hours a week at night and miss out on my family. I don't want my wife to have to step it up with child care and around the house because 9 times out of 10, I won't be there. I may as well sell my motorcycles – won't have time for them at all.

I called my dad for advice, and he just said “suck it up. You have to do what you have to do for your family. Keep in mind, my father didn't graduate high school. My dad also was making good money (for the time) at his night shift. I'm obviously looking for a new position, but how can a company do this? A company that says 'oh were more like family”. I don't mind working over 40 hours a week, but 70ish is just too much. Especially with some one with as many mental issues as I have.

Sorry for the long rant guys. I'm just fed up and I'm tired.

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