
I just made an appointment to get a haircut and now I kind of want to just die.

So I go to the barber about once every 2 months. It's like you pay half in advance when making the appointment online and then the rest after you got the haircut or whatever. I noticed my hair was getting very long and so I went to make an appointment for Thursday. Suddenly I notice as I am picking the kind of treatment I want (like just cut or cut and wash etc) and I notice that instead of 11.25 it's now 12.50.. so in total it went from 22.50 to 25 euros… within 2 months. Within those 2 months across the country all wages went up a little including mine. (Keep in mind I am barely even an adult and I get slightly above minimum wage) my salary went from 6.80 to 7 euros including vacation money I guess that's what it's called. A whole ~ 2.97% (or at…

So I go to the barber about once every 2 months. It's like you pay half in advance when making the appointment online and then the rest after you got the haircut or whatever. I noticed my hair was getting very long and so I went to make an appointment for Thursday. Suddenly I notice as I am picking the kind of treatment I want (like just cut or cut and wash etc) and I notice that instead of 11.25 it's now 12.50.. so in total it went from 22.50 to 25 euros… within 2 months. Within those 2 months across the country all wages went up a little including mine. (Keep in mind I am barely even an adult and I get slightly above minimum wage) my salary went from 6.80 to 7 euros including vacation money I guess that's what it's called. A whole ~ 2.97% (or at least that's what I calculated I'm not sure if that was the case everywhere or if it's even correct but still..) meanwhile the price of getting a fricking haircut without having to find a new hairdresser out of town because I live in a tiny town with a single supermarket and almost nothing else, has gone up like 11%.. I am just looking to move out I am currently starting my adult life and the future looks so dark and I'm starting to think everytime I think about anything money related I just wanna stop existing at this point because I'm going to work myself to death like this and I can't even work full time due to disabilities and even with help from government funds I can still barely afford to move out to a place made for special needs people and I even have to pay less because of something as well and I will still have to be extremely careful every time I go grocery shopping. The place I'm looking for will cost a total of 530 euros and I can't even afford it on my own. I am so fcking done with this world I honestly wish to get hit by a car and die on my way to work Friday. Sorry I'm not in a good head space right now because I just had the harsh realisation that my life is not just fcked but it's fcked even harder than I thought and I feel like it's only gonna get worse.. Why would I even continue to live in a world that is actively working against me I feel like I will never find happiness or fulfillment in life because how can one be happy when constantly worrying about whether I can afford to have dinner tonight and never being able to go out or buy yourself something nice or anything..

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