
I just need to vent a bit

I have been working in industry accounting for nearly my entire 16 year career – many years in accounts payable (hospitality, real estate), several years in inventory accounting and control (manufacturing), and currently I am a staff accountant (healthcare). My current company is a toxic mess – we are in financial trouble, tons of reorgs and layoffs on the Operations side, and a CEO who is a loose cannon with a terrible temper. The leaders in the finance/accounting team have shielded us from a lot of the dysfunction and we all have job security, but we have had three upper management team members leave this year for greener pastures (CFO, DoF, Controller) and while these positions were being backfilled a lot of work fell onto our Accounting Manager and he is on the verge of burnout and this is trickling down to us. We also moved to an AP automation…

I have been working in industry accounting for nearly my entire 16 year career – many years in accounts payable (hospitality, real estate), several years in inventory accounting and control (manufacturing), and currently I am a staff accountant (healthcare).

My current company is a toxic mess – we are in financial trouble, tons of reorgs and layoffs on the Operations side, and a CEO who is a loose cannon with a terrible temper. The leaders in the finance/accounting team have shielded us from a lot of the dysfunction and we all have job security, but we have had three upper management team members leave this year for greener pastures (CFO, DoF, Controller) and while these positions were being backfilled a lot of work fell onto our Accounting Manager and he is on the verge of burnout and this is trickling down to us. We also moved to an AP automation program and downsized our AP team; however, the AP automation software is still learning our coding and the us staff accountants are spending a disproportionate amount of time in the software trying to get the program's algorithm to understand our invoices. Basically we are all doing way more AP than we should and less actual accounting than we were led to believe we would be doing.

I'm sick of AP, I was in an AP silo for several years and I took this job specifically so I wouldn't have to do that anymore. This is terribly frustrating to me and I would like to move into a role that has minimal to no AP duties. There are no opportunities internally for such a change at my company.

I recently interviewed at another company for a staff accountant role that was more AR/revenue recognition heavy and made it to the final rounds of their process. I got a rejection email yesterday saying that they decided to go with a candidate who had less experience than I did as they considered the position to be a more junior role. This was surprising to me because when I read the job description before I applied I honestly felt it was a stretch position for me. I know the hiring manager personally so this kind of was a punch in the gut – I interviewed with her at then subsquently with three other team members and at no point in the process did they communicate that they felt this was a junior position. I'm a bit miffed that that wasn't communicated to me so I could address it in the interviews and frankly I'm also a little confused but whatever.

I am also greatly annoyed that this supposedly junior position at this company that rejected me pays $10K more per year than the role I am in now that supposedly overqualifies me.

Anyway, just wanted to vent a bit, thanks for reading if you got this far.

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