
I just quit my stressful job

I finally quit one of my shitty jobs. I worked as a part time host for a middle/high class restaurant in a small town. I mostly seat people and bus tables but at the end of the night I'm often forced to do a lot of the more unpleasant and menial closing tasks like cleaning the toilets and sweeping and mopping which was not in the job description but i did it anyways. It's not a particularly challenging job but it's tiring and not fun and by the end of each shift I'm often tired and sweaty. I have two other jobs where I work as a bank teller and as a personal trainer which are my main sources of income as the host job only pays minimum wage while the others pay significantly more. The minimum wage wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact that I'm overworked…

I finally quit one of my shitty jobs. I worked as a part time host for a middle/high class restaurant in a small town. I mostly seat people and bus tables but at the end of the night I'm often forced to do a lot of the more unpleasant and menial closing tasks like cleaning the toilets and sweeping and mopping which was not in the job description but i did it anyways. It's not a particularly challenging job but it's tiring and not fun and by the end of each shift I'm often tired and sweaty. I have two other jobs where I work as a bank teller and as a personal trainer which are my main sources of income as the host job only pays minimum wage while the others pay significantly more. The minimum wage wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact that I'm overworked and the fact that I know that the restaurant make a lot of money because all of their food is extremely overpriced so they can easily afford to pay us more than minimum wage for the amount of work we do and that the owners and managers act like it is the most challenging and important thing the world for all the employees even though most employees have second more important jobs working on family farms or as teachers.

I am also interning at a therapy clinic as I am trying to apply and save up for grad school for athletic training so between the three jobs, studying for grad school and interning, I'm usually exhausted at the end of every day.

Today I had only been working two hours on the closing shift but in that time I had managed to drench myself in sweat from doing so much. It was the final hour and the crowd was finally dying down so I was finally getting the chance to catch my breath for a bit. It hadn't been two full minutes before one of the other hosts and the manager both came up to me saying that the guy who owned the place wanted to see me actually working because I was “Standing around with my feet kicked up while everyone else was actually working.”

At that point I just had enough and I quit because the owner had seen me busting my ass off and he decided to insult me for not This is in spite of the fact that he and my manager both knew that I'm generally exhausted from the amount of stuff I do from my three jobs and tonight the other hosts who were both girls had been standing around gossiping all night and had barely done anything. I called that manager out for him and the owner for them underpaying me despite all that I did and ignoring the shitty work conditions of anyone that wasn't one of the higher up staff or a pretty girl that could earn tips. I told him that I'd be back in two weeks to get all the checks he owed me because I have up to two months in unclaimed checks from there that he has repeatedly avoided giving me and then I left. He gave me a passive aggressive text half an hour later saying how he was sorry how I wasn't cut out for the real world.

I'm mixed between extremely satisfied about finally being rid of the place and still being pissed. I'm glad I quit and I'm glad I'll never see the inside of the place again as I never liked the overpriced food anyways but I'm still pissed off at how smug the manager was.

Tldr: I quit my host job after being insulted, underpayed and overworked and I'm both satisfied and annoyed still

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