
I just really don’t want to go to work this morning

Shouting into the void here because no one really cares. I have a dope job that is honestly super easy, but just like with my old shitty jobs every few months I go through a phase where it takes damn near all I have to get me out the door for it. My manager is great 80% of the time but lately he is really short with me and acts annoyed when I have to throw questions his way that are pertinent to decisions that need to be made so I can move forward on a day to day basis. He’s made it clear that he wants to be consulted on these decisions rather than me just making the choice on my own, yet when I do exactly that he talks down to me and acts like I’m stupid and wasting his time. It’s like “Come on man! I’m doing…

Shouting into the void here because no one really cares.

I have a dope job that is honestly super easy, but just like with my old shitty jobs every few months I go through a phase where it takes damn near all I have to get me out the door for it.

My manager is great 80% of the time but lately he is really short with me and acts annoyed when I have to throw questions his way that are pertinent to decisions that need to be made so I can move forward on a day to day basis. He’s made it clear that he wants to be consulted on these decisions rather than me just making the choice on my own, yet when I do exactly that he talks down to me and acts like I’m stupid and wasting his time.

It’s like “Come on man! I’m doing exactly what you asked me to.” There’s absolutely no reason for the disrespect.

It’s annoying and is not helping at all with the burnout I’m feeling at the moment. Hoping to minimize our contact for the rest of the week but it’s a small shop.

Anyway, I guess the moral of the story is managers suck even at the best jobs.

Thanks for coming to my shitty TED talk.

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