
I just resigned the job I’ve had for 10 years.

This is going to be quite a post, so please forgive any ramblings. It's been a long time coming. I was laid off in October of 2011 from a union warehouse position. After a long search, often banging my head against a brick wall, I finally found a job at a small company. Originally, I was hired as an office assistant, but due to the volume of work, I was moved to the warehouse to help the only other worker out. The owner of the company would often make remarks if any mistake was made. This became worse over time, but I stuck with it because, well, these pesky things called bills. August of last year, the fired the other guy. The owner told me he was going to wait a month before replacing him. Eight months later, that has not happened. Another thing is we don't have a loading…

This is going to be quite a post, so please forgive any ramblings. It's been a long time coming.

I was laid off in October of 2011 from a union warehouse position. After a long search, often banging my head against a brick wall, I finally found a job at a small company. Originally, I was hired as an office assistant, but due to the volume of work, I was moved to the warehouse to help the only other worker out.

The owner of the company would often make remarks if any mistake was made. This became worse over time, but I stuck with it because, well, these pesky things called bills.

August of last year, the fired the other guy. The owner told me he was going to wait a month before replacing him. Eight months later, that has not happened.

Another thing is we don't have a loading dock, so when a container comes in, we have to use a pallet jack to unload everything to the front of the trailer. Every container lately has had at least 200 loose boxes, each weighs 50 pounds. We have had help from the son of the office manager (the only other employee besides the owner and me).

By the way, being responsible for the entire warehouse, and being there for ten years, I'm only getting paid 18 an hour. I can make that (or very close to it) at 3 fast food places within walking distance.

This past Wednesday, we had a container come in, with 200 loose boxes that all had to be unloaded by hand. The next day, we sent over 70 boxes out via UPS. This is the owners idea of taking it easy. He didn't do any of the lifting, I did. I'm close to 50, and i already have problems with my right shoulder.

Friday, I woke up and i could barely move. I took the day off to recoup. As the weekend went, I tried all I could to get to the point where I could work, but mentally, I was done. If I'm being honest, I've been done for months.

Well, after talking it over with my amazing wife, and with her encouragement, I sent an email resigning my position effective immediately. The relief knowing I will never have to go there ever again feels like a tremendous relief.

I've read dozens, if not hundreds, of stories of people quitting and getting something better. Thank you all for making me know that I'm not alone.

You have one life. You deserve to be treated with respect. You deserve to be paid a living wage and fairly with your experience. You deserve better.

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