
I just waited over a hour for a job interview and then got rejected

I go in for an interview yesterday and I thought it went very well, so well that I scored another interview and he said in this next interview I’ll be going over scheduling and other things of that nature. Well I get there today at 3pm like the guy I talked to yesterday said to do, so 20 minutes goes by and I’m still sitting waiting, at this point I’m already thinking about walking out but I didn’t since I thought I already scored the job and maybe they’re just a little busy. So I stay patient. Then 40 mins have passed and by then my back hurts and I’m annoyed and the hostess could very well tell I’m not happy. I made eye contact with the interviewer multiple times and stared right into his soul only to find nothing. 1 hour passed and finally I get to shake his…

I go in for an interview yesterday and I thought it went very well, so well that I scored another interview and he said in this next interview I’ll be going over scheduling and other things of that nature. Well I get there today at 3pm like the guy I talked to yesterday said to do, so 20 minutes goes by and I’m still sitting waiting, at this point I’m already thinking about walking out but I didn’t since I thought I already scored the job and maybe they’re just a little busy. So I stay patient. Then 40 mins have passed and by then my back hurts and I’m annoyed and the hostess could very well tell I’m not happy. I made eye contact with the interviewer multiple times and stared right into his soul only to find nothing. 1 hour passed and finally I get to shake his hand and move on with the on boarding process (so I think) well he starts 20 questioning me like they did in the first interview and I found that very odd because I’ve already been asked those questions multiple times. So I get more annoyed and at this point I can feel the energy in the room and could tell I wasn’t going to be a good fit for such a toxic lazy environment. He then proceeds to tell me all his roles are filled but he will give me a call if they need me later. I stormed out and didn’t look back. I took the L and currently moving on. I just wish there was some type of legal action I could take. It took everything in me not to spit in that pos face of his. Has this ever happened to anyone before? This is a first for me. I feel a ridiculous amount of disappointment and anger.

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