
I learned that my company is paying me far below the average market pay for my job. Is there anything I can do in this situation without leaving a job I genuinely like?

Hi all, long time lurker first time poster, gonna keep details vague in order to stay anonymous. I work for a massive company doing a specialized kind of artwork and we enjoy some nice perks. In addition to the benefits, my direct coworkers are friendly and we’ve become good friends, and my direct managers are also really nice and genuinely try to make the job as good as they can make it from their positions. Overall the atmosphere is solid and although you can always get frustrated with something at work it’s a pretty nice, easy job. This is a position I would really rather not leave. The issue I have is that I recently found out that the average salary for the work I do is ~2x more than I’m currently making, and at the moment I currently bring home only around 35k/year after tax. Is there any way…

Hi all, long time lurker first time poster, gonna keep details vague in order to stay anonymous.

I work for a massive company doing a specialized kind of artwork and we enjoy some nice perks. In addition to the benefits, my direct coworkers are friendly and we’ve become good friends, and my direct managers are also really nice and genuinely try to make the job as good as they can make it from their positions. Overall the atmosphere is solid and although you can always get frustrated with something at work it’s a pretty nice, easy job. This is a position I would really rather not leave.

The issue I have is that I recently found out that the average salary for the work I do is ~2x more than I’m currently making, and at the moment I currently bring home only around 35k/year after tax. Is there any way I can bring this discrepancy up to my managers without getting axed from a job I genuinely like?

Tldr: do a highly specialized kind of job that I really like at a decent company, but I’m payed substantially lower than the average person doing my same job.

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