
I left my job after a week

Started a new job that paid well for me and had great benefits and bonuses. Seemed promising. Worked with two other people (manager and coworker) and had a regional manager training/rating me for the first week. My immediate manager was standoffish and seemed like he didn’t want me there right away. Instead of showing me around he pointed and referenced locations I’ve never seen to get to where I needed to be. If you go to A and make a right at B you will see C… My coworker found me lost in E and took me around to show me where things were. He was friendly and almost immediately gave me his phone number and sent me a message saying if I needed anything to let him know. Throughout the week he checked on me and if I needed anything he would show up later with it, very professional…

Started a new job that paid well for me and had great benefits and bonuses. Seemed promising. Worked with two other people (manager and coworker) and had a regional manager training/rating me for the first week.

My immediate manager was standoffish and seemed like he didn’t want me there right away. Instead of showing me around he pointed and referenced locations I’ve never seen to get to where I needed to be. If you go to A and make a right at B you will see C…

My coworker found me lost in E and took me around to show me where things were. He was friendly and almost immediately gave me his phone number and sent me a message saying if I needed anything to let him know. Throughout the week he checked on me and if I needed anything he would show up later with it, very professional and helpful.

After a week the regional manager was leaving, so my manager spoke to me. I was told I get (2) 15 minute breaks + lunch by the regional manager. My manager said, “we don’t do that here, you’re gonna be going to the restroom and taking water breaks so that is basically your 15 minute breaks. When he explained stuff it was mostly him rambling on and over explaining things to the point where it was meaningless after a while. Basically instead of being direct and answering one simple question he would overwhelm me with information. Then he told me the next week I’d go with him and he would train me on other things.

Monday morning he told me I’d be working with my coworker and he’d show me around, which I didn’t mind at all. I came back from lunch and he greeted me with, hello princess… I nearly flipped but contained myself and went to fill out some paperwork. I was so upset I made mistakes and just scribbled it out. When I handed it to him I told him and he looked at it and said, “damn you f’d up.” So I told him I didn’t appreciate the way he spoke to me. He said he was joking and I told him we don’t know each other and we aren’t friends, I don’t speak to people like that and don’t want to be spoken like that either.

Next day I quit.

Tl:dr New job seemed promising. My manager was a jerk and instead of sticking it out I decided to quit

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