
I let my contract run out to start my dreamjob. Boss is mad

First post here and maybe my Situation is not that bad as others here but I wanted to share. I could fill pages with stories about Managers and stuff, but I try to ceep it short. After school I went to university and stopped because I became heavily depressed. It took me years to find my way back into proper work, starting in restaurants and ultimatly ending up in a rather large retail chain. As I didn't want to stay long and just wanted my bills covered, I made a contract for about a year with the option to get it extended, if I didn't end up where I wanted. From the beginning I was 100% open and honest about my intentions, even after switching Locations. After just a few months I made quite an impression and got offered a position as stand-in Manager, leading shifts when Manager and Assistant…

First post here and maybe my Situation is not that bad as others here but I wanted to share. I could fill pages with stories about Managers and stuff, but I try to ceep it short.
After school I went to university and stopped because I became heavily depressed. It took me years to find my way back into proper work, starting in restaurants and ultimatly ending up in a rather large retail chain.

As I didn't want to stay long and just wanted my bills covered, I made a contract for about a year with the option to get it extended, if I didn't end up where I wanted. From the beginning I was 100% open and honest about my intentions, even after switching Locations.

After just a few months I made quite an impression and got offered a position as stand-in Manager, leading shifts when Manager and Assistant Manager are not working. With me switching stores I took on the role of actual AM but without getting my hours increased, because there was “someone on the way.” It took months and I had to train my replacement who got a proper contract for the position, but I still do more work.

In march I went to my Store Manager and my District Manager reminding them, that my Contract runs out end of September and that I am still looking for different jobs. It came pretty late but in August I got an offer to start my dreamjob in October. Manager and District Manager were on vacation at the time, so I had to wait for them to be Back to tell them but fell ill for that Week. As soon as I was back last week I told them both, that I wont renew my Contract and will be starting a different carreer. Now they both treat me like the bad guy for “Just leaving them behind with such short notice.” It is a Just a month time and they have a replacement for me since June. But they themselfes kept me in the dark for almost 6 months If they would renew my contract If I wanted to stay.
With their attitude changing within a day, they totally killed my will to keep working normally for the rest of my time here. I keep getting reprimanded for small things that were never an issue. I get no greetings and no goodbyes anymore. One day the only thing my Manager Said to me “you forgot the tray yesterday. It's not my Job to Clean Up after you” bc I forgot to clean up one single tray the day before when we did inventory (wich taked a whole day and one extra for preparing). Btw I covered her ass, so she could do Something with her daugter the day before. I wanted to still Work my Ass of as usual, with the exception of 14 hour shifts and going from closing to opening shifts (wich is illegal per contract).

Just wanted to vent bc after all the Shit I went through for that company, being always open about my plans and intentions, I see now more clear than ever that you can break laws and bend over backwards to cover their asses and get nothing out of it.
But it is not much time left and I start my dreamjob soon. I am so Happy about that opportunity, bc they all there were so nice to me and as Happy to have me as I am.

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