
I live in a damaged city in Syria and my boss is asking me to come to work.

I live in Latakia and although my neighbourhood was not damaged, the danger is not fully offset! My boss and one of the managers (who happens to be his own neice) ask me daily why am I not coming to workplace! I want to be with my family and I can't just go and leave my younger siblings and mom (65 yo with a blood pressure problem) alone. Like what if something happen and I can't reach them/they can't reach me! Aren't they breaking some safety procedures?? The government has announced the week off for some sectors. I know I work for a private company but shouldn't the rules apply here?

I live in Latakia and although my neighbourhood was not damaged, the danger is not fully offset!
My boss and one of the managers (who happens to be his own neice) ask me daily why am I not coming to workplace!

I want to be with my family and I can't just go and leave my younger siblings and mom (65 yo with a blood pressure problem) alone.
Like what if something happen and I can't reach them/they can't reach me!

Aren't they breaking some safety procedures?? The government has announced the week off for some sectors.
I know I work for a private company but shouldn't the rules apply here?

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