
I live in American, where getting Covid [sometimes] means getting that vacation you’ve always wanted

Title edit: America* Unlike a good percentage of Americans, I was able to take a vacation back in July. I’m 31 years old & it’s the first one I’ve ever had. 10 whole days. PAID! It was a vacation full of plans & marking off things I’ve been putting off of my to do list…like all the laundry, pulling weeds, etc. Stuff I’m too tired to do after giving my youth in return for a paycheck. Now it’s September. I’ve been back to work for a while & that fake vacation glow has definitely rubbed off by now. I’m back to dreading waking up & all that fun stuff. Well, last week I got Covid. My vacation used up 80% of my PTO. Haven’t had time to recoup much time. I put in for the few hours I had left. Now I have nothing, so that’s fun. I’m going multiple…

Title edit: America*

Unlike a good percentage of Americans, I was able to take a vacation back in July. I’m 31 years old & it’s the first one I’ve ever had. 10 whole days. PAID! It was a vacation full of plans & marking off things I’ve been putting off of my to do list…like all the laundry, pulling weeds, etc. Stuff I’m too tired to do after giving my youth in return for a paycheck.

Now it’s September. I’ve been back to work for a while & that fake vacation glow has definitely rubbed off by now. I’m back to dreading waking up & all that fun stuff. Well, last week I got Covid. My vacation used up 80% of my PTO. Haven’t had time to recoup much time. I put in for the few hours I had left. Now I have nothing, so that’s fun. I’m going multiple days without pay.

At first I was freaking out a bit but now that it’s almost over I’m realizing THIS was the vacation. This was my time to relax & do nothing (which I did). This is what I should be getting paid for, not to take 10 days off to do chores I can’t manage for the little time off I get during the work week. I don’t want to go back. Fuck it. I might just catch the flu in a few weeks. I won’t be paid but I can rest.

America. You spit polished turd.

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