
I “lost” my job

Tl;Dr My manager targeted me for months I'll start from the beginning I guess of the absolute hell this job was just due to my manager. My coworkers were and are amazing, they always encouraged me and stuck their neck out for me. The only problem was this manager. I was fresh out of training, and was on my first week of work. A new policy came out for our job, and I followed it to a T. Later that week, my manager comes up to me and tells me that I did the policy wrong and that others are getting fired for it. This was both a terrible threat and just plain wrong. She went up to FIVE people to ask if she was incorrect, and only then did she apologize. A few weeks later I get a flood in my apartment, and since this is a hybrid job…

Tl;Dr My manager targeted me for months

I'll start from the beginning I guess of the absolute hell this job was just due to my manager. My coworkers were and are amazing, they always encouraged me and stuck their neck out for me. The only problem was this manager.

I was fresh out of training, and was on my first week of work. A new policy came out for our job, and I followed it to a T. Later that week, my manager comes up to me and tells me that I did the policy wrong and that others are getting fired for it. This was both a terrible threat and just plain wrong. She went up to FIVE people to ask if she was incorrect, and only then did she apologize.

A few weeks later I get a flood in my apartment, and since this is a hybrid job I asked permission to work from a hotel. For some reason, they told me no. There was no reason given, the manager just told me “no you can't do that”. I lost almost a week's worth of work because of this, and they told because I missed a week I had to go in person “until further notice”. My coworkers were all still hybrid, and I was moved to in office just because my manager wouldn't allow me to work from a hotel.

I shrugged it off, went in office for the next ENTIRE month. My coworkers were all hybrid, several missed more days than I, and all of them were kinda annoyed she forced me into this position. When attempting to explain to my manager that I took this job expecting it to be hybrid, as I have pets at home that are still young and couldn't afford to keep taking them to daycare, she told me she felt like I was “bullying” her into working from home again. Again, I only missed one week and had to be in person for a month. I was told I'm not allowed to ask when the in office would end, because apparently that was bullying her.

As if that wasn't bad enough, she had told me that her higher ups made the in office mandatory for me. One of the higher ups later told me this wasn't true at all, and that she was lying to make herself look better. Likely how she did with the first situation.

Now as to how I lost my job… My manager told me early on it's best to come into work sick so I would be sent home. Last week, I tested positive for covid. My symptoms at first were really small, just a rash, fever, and stuffiness. I thought I was having an allergic reaction because it was so insignificant. I reached out to my doctor, she told me it was likely COVID. Because my symptoms were so slight I only got the okay for about two days stay at home. Come Monday, however, about three days into COVID, I got extremely sick.

Because my doctor had only cleared me for a couple of days, I went in anyways remembering what my manager told me. I was throwing up in the bathroom at work, and she still did not send me home. I had to message her and tell her that I was still positive and she let me work from home that day. I told her I was extremely grateful, which honestly I shouldn't have been. I was working through my illness when I shouldn't be working at all, not to mention the “privilege” she gave me was the same every other employee already had.

At the end of Monday, I was told I could not work from home any other day despite me being sick still. I told them that I was still symptomatic, I do not feel comfortable going in office while I have COVID, and that I did not want to get my coworkers sick. Their response was telling me I could not work even remote until my doctor cleared me. I responded that it was okay with me, and that I would not be there for at least the next two days due to my illness.

On the second day out, they fired me. They said I didn't call in those two days. I informed them that I have it in writing saying that I would NOT be there those two days, and was really confused. They told me my manager hadn't approved my time off. My manager that I told I would not be there because I didn't want to give my coworkers covid. My manager that told me I could not work.

Luckily I already have a new job lined up, but I felt like that manager was targeting me since day one. Thanks for reading my rant.

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