
I lost my job but haven’t been stressed at all even though my finances are draining

Working in fast food and retail just gets that stressful, even moreso when you’re a manager like I was. I just genuinely don’t have the desire to rush back into work when 97% of the jobs around me are basically just that, can’t even work them either, my health issues gotten so bad that I can’t move much and that’s what gotten me fired (but I didn’t get diagnosed ahead of time so I’m crushed by the “at will” bs) So it’s like, I genuinely have a hard time getting back to work because of my health, even if I did I’d be overworked to a point where my health issues bring me right back, and also deal with corporations that put customers and profits over your wellbeing. I’m honestly hoping I don’t have to fight my old job for unemployment (they already tried to lie about why I was…

Working in fast food and retail just gets that stressful, even moreso when you’re a manager like I was. I just genuinely don’t have the desire to rush back into work when 97% of the jobs around me are basically just that, can’t even work them either, my health issues gotten so bad that I can’t move much and that’s what gotten me fired (but I didn’t get diagnosed ahead of time so I’m crushed by the “at will” bs)

So it’s like, I genuinely have a hard time getting back to work because of my health, even if I did I’d be overworked to a point where my health issues bring me right back, and also deal with corporations that put customers and profits over your wellbeing.

I’m honestly hoping I don’t have to fight my old job for unemployment (they already tried to lie about why I was fired a week after), but when I get it I’m treating this as a long vacation. Maybe I can try to make money from art, idk.

I’m moving out of this dead end city next year for college regardless of the situation so I honesty just can’t care anymore. At the very least, even though my situation is absolutely terrible, it’s hard to stress knowing that next year I’ll have more various jobs available along with a computer engineering degree for better paying jobs in 5. My 20s are just going to be me struggling anyways, why spend it stressed?

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