
I “love” how we get blamed for employers ghosting us or making fake job openings

Yeah, as my post said. I have been being blamed by my fucking family over jobs just not hiring us or faking job openings. I have had a lot of issues with never getting any responses back after filling out several job applications, to the point where companies up and ghost me without ever making any attempt to contact me. My family is blaming me despite the fact that most stuff is done online nowadays, so how can me presenting myself physically currently be an issue when they can’t even fucking see me through an Online application that requires zero photos or anything of what we look like during the time of filling out a fucking application. Almost nothing is done in person anymore and somehow that’s also my fucking fault according to my Grandmother that i live with. She has no fucking common sense. She also smokes weed all…

Yeah, as my post said. I have been being blamed by my fucking family over jobs just not hiring us or faking job openings. I have had a lot of issues with never getting any responses back after filling out several job applications, to the point where companies up and ghost me without ever making any attempt to contact me. My family is blaming me despite the fact that most stuff is done online nowadays, so how can me presenting myself physically currently be an issue when they can’t even fucking see me through an Online application that requires zero photos or anything of what we look like during the time of filling out a fucking application. Almost nothing is done in person anymore and somehow that’s also my fucking fault according to my Grandmother that i live with. She has no fucking common sense. She also smokes weed all the fucking time (formerly illegal in Ohio for Recreational use i might add)

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