
I love this sub…but….

The more posts I see the more helpless I feel. Just seeing all the posts of what people have to put up with at their jobs is a sheer testament to how dependent we are on 'the machine.' The posts that are really getting to me are the people in Canada and Mexico and California having to go in to work through environmental hazards. It's baffling to me. And these young kids who have been spread so thin so early in their life that they are having a hard time coping. It can't be good for them. Serenity now!

The more posts I see the more helpless I feel. Just seeing all the posts of what people have to put up with at their jobs is a sheer testament to how dependent we are on 'the machine.' The posts that are really getting to me are the people in Canada and Mexico and California having to go in to work through environmental hazards. It's baffling to me. And these young kids who have been spread so thin so early in their life that they are having a hard time coping. It can't be good for them. Serenity now!

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