
I love working 60 hours a week and getting told to just find another job.

Currently living with my grandmother because I can't afford rent(shocker I know) being unemployed for 3 months eradicated 2 years of savings and I'm just now getting back on my feet and have a new job. My grandmother doesn't understand that the cost of literally everything has increased while wages have stagnated. “Well I worked 2 or 3 jobs” yes and it was worth it because your money gave you buying power now our money is worthless and she's chalked It up to Me being lazy or not wanting to work. I've tried explaining to her that inflation is hitting incredibly hard right now and it feels almost impossible to get ahead. I'm sick of hearing I'm making excuses like the “economy” it's not an excuse it's the reality of many Americans. It feels hopeless especially when my generation has been fed the idea of the American dream our entire…

Currently living with my grandmother because I can't afford rent(shocker I know) being unemployed for 3 months eradicated 2 years of savings and I'm just now getting back on my feet and have a new job. My grandmother doesn't understand that the cost of literally everything has increased while wages have stagnated.
“Well I worked 2 or 3 jobs” yes and it was worth it because your money gave you buying power now our money is worthless and she's chalked It up to Me being lazy or not wanting to work. I've tried explaining to her that inflation is hitting incredibly hard right now and it feels almost impossible to get ahead. I'm sick of hearing I'm making excuses like the “economy” it's not an excuse it's the reality of many Americans. It feels hopeless especially when my generation has been fed the idea of the American dream our entire lives only for it to be just out of reach because we don't earn enough to pay for basic necessities.

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