
I moved desks to be away from drama, and my coworkers put a gravestone urn on my desk that said “ashes of problem employees”

I posted the other day about them saying we're not friends, after that I had a talk with them saying it's fine, that my feelings were hurt but I understood. Then it hit the fan. I offered to help decorate and make cupcakes for one of their birthdays for the office, and that caused the person planning it to throw a fit and say “you just do it.” And later after not knowing what to do I just apologized if it seemed I was overstepping and that wasn't my intention, I was just offering my help. She said cool, let's decorate togethee on Monday. Monday comes, no one says anything to me about decorating. I'm waiting, I move to a new desk to remove myself from that area because I just wanted some distance from everything, nothing. They start decorating and I hear one of them go “SHE was SUPPOSED…

I posted the other day about them saying we're not friends, after that I had a talk with them saying it's fine, that my feelings were hurt but I understood.

Then it hit the fan. I offered to help decorate and make cupcakes for one of their birthdays for the office, and that caused the person planning it to throw a fit and say “you just do it.” And later after not knowing what to do I just apologized if it seemed I was overstepping and that wasn't my intention, I was just offering my help. She said cool, let's decorate togethee on Monday.

Monday comes, no one says anything to me about decorating. I'm waiting, I move to a new desk to remove myself from that area because I just wanted some distance from everything, nothing. They start decorating and I hear one of them go “SHE was SUPPOSED to decorate but DIDNT” that's when I got out the decorations from my purse and was going to hand them over and they declined and told me they got their own go put them innthe drawer and walked away. I cried, not because my feelings were hurt but because even though I had moved away I was still on the receiving end of pettiness. I did call the crisis hotline because I couldn't get my emotions under control.

Today comes. I contemplated asking my husband to take me to the ER for mental health inpatient but i decided i just want to keep pushing. First half of the day is fine, I hear laughter and some jokes at my expense, but whatever. I'm away from it. Then I hear some laughter about something, the biggest perpetrator telling others to look and laughing, swapping numbers to text instead of message on teams. I get up to go get a snack and I hear “she got up”. I'm like.. okay this is about me, there's something, let me go get my snack and grab the rest of my stuff. They had put a figure urn shaped like a gravestone that said “ashes of problem employees” there. No one said a word or looked at me. I had an anxiety attack, went outside, texted our supervisor (they're in another state) and said we need to have a meeting because there's bullying happening and it's damaging my work performance.

Our supervisor agreed this shouldn't be happening and “no one should have to work in a hostile environment” were his words.

I just want to work and go to school man, leave my name out of your mouth and off your mind. I have enough health problems going on I don't need this adding to it.

EDIT: Good morning! I read everyone's comments. I would like to clarify a few things here:

  1. I have done a lot of self reflection throughout this whole thing. From the beginning of offering help to yesterday, every move and every conversation I was very careful in. At this point, I knew the type of people they are and they do misconstrue things in their favor and then pump each other up with emotion in private chats.

  2. Yes – these people are very involved with each others lives and I got excited to be apart of a new environment. I helped plan a bridal shower, I went clubbing, helped plan birthdays, etc. That was my biggest mistake. I should've just kept to myself.

  3. No, I will not be filing a police report. I'm not looking to ruins connections or lives over this. Like I've said, I just want to show up and do my work and not be bullied.

EDIT #2: Immediately after a discussion about bullying given by a supervisor, my main bully goes “did you get that email? This person, this person, and this person got it. Some people are too sensitive.” I confronted them, asking if they were talking about me. Of course they deny it, say “you do take things too personally. Do you want to go talk about it?” With lots of attitude. I walked into the supervisors office, let them know what was going on, and she said im extremely valued, I get my work done, I'm calm, I show up every day and doesn't want me to leave. I call my other boss, states away, and let him know it's still happening. He's getting with HR to have a meeting. I also let him know that employee is giving fake names to patients, transferring them away, not helping, etc. And that as a patient of this hospital I am not comfortable with him handling my medical information at this point.

We'll see.

FINAL EDIT: We had a huge team meeting. Everything was addressed. 1) treat everyone with respect. 2) don't say something is a joke when it's not. 3) treat patients with respect. 4) don't work off tbe clock 5) be where you say you are, don't just clock in. 6) if you're going to flex hours, let us know when you're flexing them. 7) we will now be recording phone calls with patients and flagging anything as needed.

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