
I need $20,000

I’m going to have to work 45 hour weeks in hospitality for 6 months to save up 20,000 AUD for a surgery I need. This is only if I’m strict with my budget and have 0 other expenses which is unlikely as I have friends and hobbies. I can always take out a loan for the rest but must be in ‘full time’ work for 6 months before the bank lets me have a personal loan. Does anyone here have their own business? Got any tips for me? Don’t know how I’m gonna mentally manage this for 6 months I swore I’d never work more than 3 days again for my own mental and physical health!! 🙁 hate feeling trapped

I’m going to have to work 45 hour weeks in hospitality for 6 months to save up 20,000 AUD for a surgery I need. This is only if I’m strict with my budget and have 0 other expenses which is unlikely as I have friends and hobbies. I can always take out a loan for the rest but must be in ‘full time’ work for 6 months before the bank lets me have a personal loan.

Does anyone here have their own business? Got any tips for me? Don’t know how I’m gonna mentally manage this for 6 months I swore I’d never work more than 3 days again for my own mental and physical health!! 🙁 hate feeling trapped

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