
I need a little help with this

No idea if this is the right sub to put this in. If it's not, mods are free to take it down. Sooo I want to start a landscape design business once I get my degree in landscape design and I want to know if these are good for business practices? Employees will be paid minimum wage at first, once finances are stable and business is doing well they will get a hefty raise. Unlimited PTO and sick days. If you're going through any personal issues, take as much time off as you feel necessary. Yes it will be paid. I understand life gets in the way and emotions tend to suck. Disabled people will be accommodated accordingly and appropriately. As a disabled person myself (autism and ADHD) the need for proper accommodation is important to me. All that's needed is proof of disability. Insurance will be available. I will…

No idea if this is the right sub to put this in. If it's not, mods are free to take it down.
Sooo I want to start a landscape design business once I get my degree in landscape design and I want to know if these are good for business practices?

Employees will be paid minimum wage at first, once finances are stable and business is doing well they will get a hefty raise.

Unlimited PTO and sick days.

If you're going through any personal issues, take as much time off as you feel necessary. Yes it will be paid. I understand life gets in the way and emotions tend to suck.

Disabled people will be accommodated accordingly and appropriately. As a disabled person myself (autism and ADHD) the need for proper accommodation is important to me. All that's needed is proof of disability.

Insurance will be available.

I will be available if you need someone to talk to about anything that's bothering you. Keep in mind that I have the social skills of a carrot so my answers may be short and I may not know how to respond.

Take a break if you're feeling anxious, overstimulated, or stressed. Your mental health should come before your paycheck.

Service animals are allowed and encouraged. Bring your good boys/girls. I am afraid of dogs so this will be beneficial for all parties involved as you will have your service animal and I will be working on getting over my fear of dogs.

If you have medication that needs to be taken at certain times, be sure to do it out of sight of the customer because the last thing we need are Karens ruining things for everyone.

If a customer is rude to you, feel free to talk back to them, other than that treat others with respect.

Let me know if these are good or not. Again if this is the wrong sub to put this in, let me know.

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