
I need advice from a manager’s stand point.

Hi there y’all. Long time fan of antiwork and a many year long communist. Idk that may give you some perspective into my dilemma here. I manage a small town breakfast & lunch stop/coffee shop. I’ve worked here for 5 years and I love seeing this place thrive and be a community of queer acceptance and gathering in a southern town that doesn’t offer much else in that way. I hate big business and I don’t think small businesses should be taken advantage of. A few months ago, the general manager left and I stepped into that roll. Honestly, I love it. I do my best to be fair and kind and I fight for raises for everyone on staff when deserved/it’s contractually timed. I have this constant internal battle because my political beliefs put me on the side of workers, which is where I want to be. But managing…

Hi there y’all. Long time fan of antiwork and a many year long communist. Idk that may give you some perspective into my dilemma here.

I manage a small town breakfast & lunch stop/coffee shop. I’ve worked here for 5 years and I love seeing this place thrive and be a community of queer acceptance and gathering in a southern town that doesn’t offer much else in that way. I hate big business and I don’t think small businesses should be taken advantage of.

A few months ago, the general manager left and I stepped into that roll. Honestly, I love it. I do my best to be fair and kind and I fight for raises for everyone on staff when deserved/it’s contractually timed. I have this constant internal battle because my political beliefs put me on the side of workers, which is where I want to be. But managing this shop, there’s so many safety codes not followed (sitting on chairs/stools in a tight kitchen right by the grill, vaping in the kitchen, no kitchen orientation commands [behind, on your right, etc…], dates not kept properly behind the bar) so I’ve had to step up a few times and say what things needed to change. I’ve had to write up someone for a no call no show. I feel like I was lenient. This was the third one and the first two I just asked general questions (was it an emergency type, no details required) and asked for more consideration for their coworkers. I’ve been met with positive reception. The last manager wasn’t very present so a lot of stuff slipped by her. I want this shop to thrive and I want everyone to continue loving working here.

This leads me here. We have staff DND nights where 9 of us get together and play dnd and I take part in it. We use the shop to play and we all take turns bringing food, etc. it’s a lot of fun and everyone enjoys getting to hang out “outside” of work.

I’ve been considering stepping out bc I don’t want to cross any lines and I feel like maybe I am. I want to play so badly and be friends with everyone but maybe I’m not meant to do this. One of our kitchen staff members tonight was standing near me as I was sat down and I asked what they were up to, sneaking around (in character). And they said “i could say something about how we aren’t supposed to sit in the kitchen anymore” and I realized that I may be crossing a boundary by playing with them. They can definitely still play in the shop anytime. But maybe I shouldn’t be included. What are y’all’s thoughts?

TLDR: I play dnd with the staff members I manage and I’m thinking maybe I shouldn’t.

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