
I need advice on how to give professional feedback

A little bit of context, I have worked in a big international company for nearly 10 years, and I'm in a department that is currently transitioning into another country (which has cheaper workforce), so we are told that we need to apply to other departments if we want to keep working here, otherwise we would have to quit. Currently there are a few options that seems interesting, so I decided to go for the one that sounds the most appropriate for my set of skills. I'm currently working 3 days from the office and 2 days from home each week, this will be important later on. The selection is a 3 step process, a meeting with HR for a quick Q and A, a study case to show you're up to the task and an interview. I had the meeting with HR, everything was fine, the rep told me the…

A little bit of context, I have worked in a big international company for nearly 10 years, and I'm in a department that is currently transitioning into another country (which has cheaper workforce), so we are told that we need to apply to other departments if we want to keep working here, otherwise we would have to quit. Currently there are a few options that seems interesting, so I decided to go for the one that sounds the most appropriate for my set of skills. I'm currently working 3 days from the office and 2 days from home each week, this will be important later on.

The selection is a 3 step process, a meeting with HR for a quick Q and A, a study case to show you're up to the task and an interview. I had the meeting with HR, everything was fine, the rep told me the overview of the position, responsibilities and skill set, then I completed the case study, so the interview was the final step. The interview was set for yesterday (when I was at the office), but was later rescheduled for today (working from home). At home, my equipment is only my regular PC, not laptop or anything with a camera.

I joined the Meet session 2 minutes before the scheduled time, as professional courtesy, and turns out the only person that was supposed to interview me, joined in 17 minutes late, which to me was unprofessional, as she didn't informed me beforehand, but it was still ok. We started the interview with the respective introductions, and just after she said her name, she used a very strong tone to tell me that my camera was off. I have to clarify that the use of camera was never mentioned, and in fact, other colleagues went through the same process and none of them were asked to use the camera. I told her that I was working from home and that I had no camera, but she insisted and ranted about it for like 2 minutes, telling me it was my responsibility to have a funcional camera and that the company had already provided me with one. Since I was interested in the position, I didn't want to confront her and her unprofessional behavior, so I just explained that I had no camera, and she finally said we could move on with the interview.

The interview was terrible, she started by asking me what did I know about the duties I'd have in the position and to explain to her in details. This was the first time someone interviewing me asked that, but I tried to be as detailed as possible about what HR told me. When I finished explaining, she immediately started sneering, and she didn't even tried to hide it (she had the camera on), and she told me that my explanation was way off and that the position had nothing to do with that, she asked who the HR rep was that told me that and started treating me like I was an ignorant in what the company does, she then said she would have to scold the HR for doing a poor job explaining the job description. She later gave a very bad explanation about the role, that served no purpose to me because it was really vague and I felt she did it on purpose to confuse me even more and to keep her condescending tone the entire time. She started asking questions really specific but really poorly framed, if I asked to repeat or rephrase the question, she would treat me like I was dumb and if I tried to answer them with what I understood she would stop me mid sentence to correct me. She even asked a question like “how would you address the definition of this word” and when I defined the word she told me that she wasn't asking for a definition, as that would be dumb to do.

The entire 30 minutes of interview were like this, and I was frustrated and enraged by the end, so when she asked me if I had any question, I just told her to define the role again, just to be clear, and she gave a different but still really broad and incomplete description of the job, just to make fun of me, so we ended the interview there. Later my current supervisor told me that I would get feedback about my application by Monday, which I'm really sure I won't make the cut, but I wanted to give my own feedback about that awful interviewer to avoid this happening to other people in the future.

I had a terrible interview where the interviewer was really rude, condescending, treated me like a dumb idiot and even mislead the questions for what it seems on purpose.

My question would be, should I contact my HR rep to report tthe situation before Monday? And how can I address this feedback in a professional way, so it doesn't sound as I'm just being bitter?

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