
I need advice on what to do with the rest of my life.

I'm 54 and I spent the last 35 years married, raising kids, etc. My wife wanted to be a nurse, so all our energy kind of went into that. She's got a Master's and is firmly established in her career. My work life was contingent on whatever was going on with the family. I was a stay-at-home dad when it was called for, and I'd work when I could. I never had a career. But now my kids are grown and I'm not sure what to do now. I'm coming off a period of being injured from a work injury and they are forcing me to settle, so I have some options. I could take some classes but I'd rather not do anything too evolved. I have some degrees from when I was younger that I never got to use. I've asked this on a few other threads but I'm…

I'm 54 and I spent the last 35 years married, raising kids, etc. My wife wanted to be a nurse, so all our energy kind of went into that. She's got a Master's and is firmly established in her career. My work life was contingent on whatever was going on with the family. I was a stay-at-home dad when it was called for, and I'd work when I could. I never had a career. But now my kids are grown and I'm not sure what to do now. I'm coming off a period of being injured from a work injury and they are forcing me to settle, so I have some options. I could take some classes but I'd rather not do anything too evolved. I have some degrees from when I was younger that I never got to use.

I've asked this on a few other threads but I'm thinking this group would have some different ideas. Hopefully I'm not violating any rules. I think this falls under “want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles.”

Thanks in advance.

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