I’m thinking about having a conversation with my boss and telling her that my work load is way too much for one person. I need to know if my work load is as heavy as I think or if it’s all in my head.
I work for my county and I’m part of a union so asking for more money to make the work worth it isn’t really possible since we have a union contract. Adding on a second person to help me is a super complicated and time consuming process so also probably not likely to happen. I’m not really sure what my solution is, but more looking to see if my overwhelming-ness is appropriate.
I do monthly stats for my work and on average I currently get 140 phone calls (each phone call time ranges from 10-30mins per call), 88 emails, and 25 appointments that I deal with by myself every month. This obviously doesn’t include any walk-in things that need to be addressed or small fires I need to put out. Last month alone I had to address over 300 phone calls and emails with no help whatsoever.
Is this amount of work as insane as I think or is this pretty typical? This is my first office job so I don’t have anything to compare it to. I’d love to hear feedback, solutions, or anything else