
I need help with this job. I’m sorry if this is not allowed, didn’t know where else to post

This is the second time that I’ve received this email, the thing is that I don’t remember applying to this company (but I’ve applied to a lot of receptionist offers, so I might have overlooked it?). The first time I didn’t answer because it feels fishy, I’m not in the US, it would take a lot to help me establish there, the working visa and all that, it seems crazy that they need someone with little to not qualifications like me for a basic job like being a receptionist. The first time I looked at the hotel through google and it seemed legitimate, but I don’t know, I’m afraid of applying and finding myself in a tough position since there’s a lot of horror stories about being brought to another country and forced to work there while they hold onto your passport and other personal items. Does this look like…

This is the second time that I’ve received this email, the thing is that I don’t remember applying to this company (but I’ve applied to a lot of receptionist offers, so I might have overlooked it?). The first time I didn’t answer because it feels fishy, I’m not in the US, it would take a lot to help me establish there, the working visa and all that, it seems crazy that they need someone with little to not qualifications like me for a basic job like being a receptionist. The first time I looked at the hotel through google and it seemed legitimate, but I don’t know, I’m afraid of applying and finding myself in a tough position since there’s a lot of horror stories about being brought to another country and forced to work there while they hold onto your passport and other personal items.

Does this look like a proper offer? I’m being paranoid? I would move to the United States even tho I wasn’t planning to if it’s real, but I don’t want to take any chances and be in a dangerous situation

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