
I never want to go to my job for so many reasons, and end up not even going sometimes because of it. Should I just quit so they can find someone that actually wants to work there?

Short version since this turned into a novel; I hate so many things about my job, mainly the fact that I know I work 3 times harder than 80% of the people here and get paid less, given the worst jobs, and always having to do overtime. Should I just leave and let someone else that’ll actually want to work there do it? I’m quite a hard worker because I hate being lazy so I know they want to keep me there, since I’m part of the 10% of people that even put in an effort at this place. I know this for sure because people have been let go here for a lot less. I have a lot of co workers there, probably about 20-25 but the crew I usually work with is 3-4 of us working warehouse on online orders for shipping out to stores. Out of all…

Short version since this turned into a novel; I hate so many things about my job, mainly the fact that I know I work 3 times harder than 80% of the people here and get paid less, given the worst jobs, and always having to do overtime. Should I just leave and let someone else that’ll actually want to work there do it?

I’m quite a hard worker because I hate being lazy so I know they want to keep me there, since I’m part of the 10% of people that even put in an effort at this place. I know this for sure because people have been let go here for a lot less. I have a lot of co workers there, probably about 20-25 but the crew I usually work with is 3-4 of us working warehouse on online orders for shipping out to stores. Out of all these people that work there and that I’ve had to work with, there’s basically only 2 people there that I even enjoy being around anymore. Everyone else here has this miserable looking face every time I smile at them in the morning as my usual greeting, and it just bums me the f out. Pretty much the only reason I’m still there is my one coworker that I get along with really well because we’re basically the same person and sometimes I don’t get to work with him, and if it’s that way I usually just have a nightmare trying to follow basically a whole new “bosses” way of doing things. Here’s just a quick list of dumb stuff that’s here:
-the warehouse ship out crew is paid less than everyone else here, even though we do a lot more work than the people that just have to tape boxes together(legit the easiest s*** I’ve ever done in my life)
-there’s like 5 different managers that you have to learn from because they all do things differently
-because there’s so many chiefs in charge, trying to learn anything like the forklift for example is a disaster because your told 5 different ways to do something, and one way is right to one chief and wrong to another chief.
-there’s no set place for anything (Pens, tape, production date stamps, stickers for stores, etc) so you’ll simply just be looking for a pen and it could take you 5 minutes of just hunting around for one
-everything we make is frozen and perishable, so if we don’t have space for the 3500+ boxes of frozen food, we either have to go through this whole show of magically creating space, or we throw away $20,000 worth of product.
-to add to that; my boss has the IQ of a goldfish so instead of ever coming to the building(I’ve only ever seen him once in the 8 months I’ve worked there) to see if there’s actually space for the 26 f-ing pallets of chicken he bought, he just buys them anyway and basically says good luck guys!
-another addition; we don’t even sell nearly enough of this stuff to compensate how many boxes of frozen food we have. We literally never have space for anything, yet they make the processing crew continue to work and work and work and work. At the end of every week we have an extra 3500+ boxes of frozen food. We don’t even sell nearly that many throughout the entire week, so we’re constantly over packed.
-anytime overtime has to be done, it’s literally ALWAYS the shipping crew to do it. I like the extra money and everything but if I’m not feeling it that day I basically have no choice, cause none of these other lazy people are going to do it.
-there’s a lot of other dumb stuff they do, I could basically write a whole novel about it; I’ve been locked out of the building while doing overtime because ppl here are dumb as rocks and only think about themselves, they put 5000lbs worth of things on weakest pallets in the world (dangerous as hell), our truck drivers are f***ing babies and whine about anything that’s wrong about how we loaded it, we use stamp guns from the year 1824 so they never work properly, the building is way too small for the things we do, people have these mopey friggin attitudes 90% of the time, the other crews in the building complain about the DUMBEST things like the dudes from overseas that do the box taping (simplest job you could ever have in the history of time for $20 an hour) said “we’ll all walk out” if they weren’t allowed to take their breaks at the same time. The list could go on and on.

And I have absolutely tried suggesting what I think would be solutions to things, at least for some of them like having a proper space for shit, or giving the processing crew a couple days off so we can figure out some space, but their egos are just so far up they won’t take ANY suggestions, especially from someone that’s only been there 8 months. I’m just thinking I’m always whining this hard about it maybe I should just leave there.

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