
I now know where I stand, thanks

So I work at this small firm for 2 years now. It was rough from the beginning when my coworker went into early labour and hence I couldn't finish the onboarding. Nobody's fault though. However she is back now and we are equally frustrated. We are always blamed for everything (we are the office assistants), everything needs to be done yesterday, boss is always in meetings, cancels our standing meetings for “more important” calls then gets frustrated why this or that hasn't been done yet. Today he says X, tomorrow Y and can't remember having said X. We don't have a closed office, so whenever we need to concentrate ppl just walk by, start conversation, go to the bathroom (it's across from us), we hear the really loud coffee machine all the time, boss interups our work with something that needs urgent attention right now so we forget what we…

So I work at this small firm for 2 years now. It was rough from the beginning when my coworker went into early labour and hence I couldn't finish the onboarding. Nobody's fault though.
However she is back now and we are equally frustrated. We are always blamed for everything (we are the office assistants), everything needs to be done yesterday, boss is always in meetings, cancels our standing meetings for “more important” calls then gets frustrated why this or that hasn't been done yet.
Today he says X, tomorrow Y and can't remember having said X.
We don't have a closed office, so whenever we need to concentrate ppl just walk by, start conversation, go to the bathroom (it's across from us), we hear the really loud coffee machine all the time, boss interups our work with something that needs urgent attention right now so we forget what we were actually doing and then blamed for mistakes, etc.

For the past 6 months it was really really close call for not getting paid on time (we make the bank transactions including salaries so we know what is going on financially) because our clients pay late.

So this month the same of course. So we get a huge bill paid and I say that we would need that to pay this specific supplier but if we do that would be the exact amount we need for salaries and unless the other payment comes thru we wouldn't be able to pay the salaries then. So my boss says it doesn't matter he promised to pay that bill and needs to pay it, salaries would then have to be paid late (if said payment wouldn't come thru in time).

So I half jokingly say “Well, who's gonna pay my rent then?” and he goes “MyName, I am not gonna discuss this with you now, I think you still sleep better at night these days than I do!”

Well, I get, that your company is at stake but it is a company with limited liabilities so you will live. Also you and most others in this company make at least, AT LEAST, 3 times more than I do, so for them it might not be too much of a big deal if they are getting paid a bit late. I do however. Yes, I have savings but those are for vacations, washing machines, repairs, etc. Not for buying grocerys or paying rent because you can't make your clients pay.

So know that I know where I stand I only do the bare minimum, no extra work, care about nothing and honestly wouldn't be sad if the let me go. Which is sad because we always had a really good and kinda almost personal relationship but this showed me what I already knew: I am replaceable and no bosd really gives a shit about you.

I have another job offer that pays actually a little less, but I am tempted to take it because it might be a better work environment and hence better for my mental health!

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