
I posted a couple of days ago about how my password was changed to my work accounts out of nowhere. I thought that either I was hacked or maybe even fired. Most likely fired.

I couldn’t sleep throughout the night and kept waking up from nightmares about work. It was a mess when I went into work the next day. I did text my executive director (ED) the same night I found out my information was changed but of course, I got no response from them and I know they read my message because they have read receipts turned on. Thirty minutes into the work day, I text them again and they respond within about 20 minutes telling me they were going to try to figure out what happened. At this point, my colleagues know about what’s going on because I had asked them if they had any of their information changed and they didn’t, they had complete access to their accounts. They didn’t know anything either and have the same thought that they are trying to fire me but think it is so…

I couldn’t sleep throughout the night and kept waking up from nightmares about work. It was a mess when I went into work the next day. I did text my executive director (ED) the same night I found out my information was changed but of course, I got no response from them and I know they read my message because they have read receipts turned on. Thirty minutes into the work day, I text them again and they respond within about 20 minutes telling me they were going to try to figure out what happened.

At this point, my colleagues know about what’s going on because I had asked them if they had any of their information changed and they didn’t, they had complete access to their accounts. They didn’t know anything either and have the same thought that they are trying to fire me but think it is so low for them to be going about it this way and leaving me in the dark.

Halfway through the day, I then get a text from my former supervisor, who transitioned out not too long ago, saying “Hi DatCanofChefBoyardee. I don’t know what happened at (job), but I hope you are ok.” At this point, I am like ???? What do they know? I am unsure if I should respond but my colleagues say that they must know something so they tell me I should respond. So I do. I tell them the truth, how I am emotionally distressed and just so anxious, without any explanation from the boss about what is going on. That’s when they spill the tea to me.

They tell me the boss had called them the same night my information was changed asking if they could help with removing MY access to the accounts. They don’t ask any questions (although they wish they did), thought I had left or something and do as requested.

So at this point I do break down a bit because of how I have been treated. I have endured so much at this job (I won’t go into details here). I don’t know what it is that I did to get treated this way but it has been shitty overall. My colleagues comfort me and tell me I should go home.

Later on in the day, I get a text from the boss with my new password. Nothing else.

What the fuck??? So they go out of their way to change my information out of the blue and now they are giving me back my password??

I don’t know what is going on. Were they trying to fire me? What were they doing? I don’t know what they could be firing me for. The closest thing I could think of is that they somehow got wind that I applied for other jobs and are retaliating. I also did share with a couple of friends offline about how they are essentially underpaying us for all the work we do. Like I said, I’ve endured so much, but I am done with the management here and am looking to go somewhere else.

I took today off and I’m glad I did. I had things to do by EOD but my coworker said that it’s not fair for me to have to cram so much work in one day because they decided to waste my work day.

I’m still wondering what happened. I got no explanation, no apology, nothing. I think maybe they could still be trying to fire me but I don’t know.

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