
I probably won’t have a job after reporting Safety Issues and I hate Capitalism.

I'm cynical as the rest of us, but I LIKED this job I got hired in, in many respects I feel like I am helping people and making a difference even though its a corporate environment in a sense. The thing is, today I was being trained and my job involves the operation of an air compressor to operate most of the machinery and DO said job. No one in the actual place I work in, seemed to be confident in the operation and maintenance of said air compressor, and it took a combo of me, lowly tech noticing, and training person who was pulling up the manual for equipment, to notice the air compressor was dangerously ill maintained for a full week of operation. From what I'm understanding, to state that the worst potential outcome of the problem THAT I NOTICED AND BROUGHT TO ATTENTION would be serious bodily…

I'm cynical as the rest of us, but I LIKED this job I got hired in, in many respects I feel like I am helping people and making a difference even though its a corporate environment in a sense.

The thing is, today I was being trained and my job involves the operation of an air compressor to operate most of the machinery and DO said job.

No one in the actual place I work in, seemed to be confident in the operation and maintenance of said air compressor, and it took a combo of me, lowly tech noticing, and training person who was pulling up the manual for equipment, to notice the air compressor was dangerously ill maintained for a full week of operation.

From what I'm understanding, to state that the worst potential outcome of the problem THAT I NOTICED AND BROUGHT TO ATTENTION would be serious bodily injury and/or death to employees is not an exaggeration.

Everyone today was treating me like I was the one liable for this gap in safety. In fact, when I joked about noticing this lapse, and that I “saved us” they immediately discredited me and said OH NO NO IT TWAS THE EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTIONING THAT SAVED US, NOT YOU PER SE. That was strike two, after strike one of immediately endangering my safety and wellbeing as an employee.

Strike three was a maintenance guy of this equipment casually recalling another failure in training causing a worker to fully insert his hand into a door with operational moving parts and mangle his hand, as if it was 1. Really funny 2. Purely the onus of the worker to know better when my own training was so lacking and they are discrediting me bringing the issue to attention.

Anyway, I'm fed up and this stops here, because certain government agencies regarding safety received a very thorough and detailed report.

What sucks the most is knowing, just KNOWING I won't have a job after this.

That my manager I liked before this, is retaliating already, and getting on my ass about the stress being visible in my performance.

Fuck all this shit. I LIKED what I was doing. And it is being ruined by a complete incompetence, probably completely enabled, by the idea it would cut corners and therefore make more money.

Had to vent.

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