
I put in my 2 weeks notice. Got asked to make it 4 weeks notice, then got fired.

I got a new better paying job offer closer to home with benefits about 4 months ago. I told my manager I was going to take this new job opportunity and the manager and the boss gave me a raise to stay Fast forward to today. The new job offer raises their initial offer and now I want to take the new job. I let my manager know that I was going to be taking this job and putting in 3 weeks notice as my job is in a busy period and I wanted to help out ad we were already short staffed. Manager asks for 4 weeks I say ok. 10 minutes later I get a call from my manager saying the owner wants today to be my last day and to finish up what I'm doing and leave for the day and not come back. Been 2 days…

I got a new better paying job offer closer to home with benefits about 4 months ago. I told my manager I was going to take this new job opportunity and the manager and the boss gave me a raise to stay

Fast forward to today. The new job offer raises their initial offer and now I want to take the new job.

I let my manager know that I was going to be taking this job and putting in 3 weeks notice as my job is in a busy period and I wanted to help out ad we were already short staffed.
Manager asks for 4 weeks I say ok.

10 minutes later I get a call from my manager saying the owner wants today to be my last day and to finish up what I'm doing and leave for the day and not come back.

Been 2 days now and no one other than my co workers have reached out at all.

I'm feeling shocked and disappointed at how this ended up I had good relations with my bosses and spent 2 years with them, worked really hard and dedicated so much timd to them. I don't know why they were acting like that.

Just wanted to have a professional departure and help out when needed but now because the staff is already short they would rather have me not there and struggle than have me there helping because I'm leaving.

Could it be because I took the raise to stay and then I'm leaving months later after I got a better offer? Shouldn't they be happy for me that I'm trying to better my life? Just making me feel really bad about myself is this normal?

TLDR: boss gave me a raise to not quit. 4 months later I get a better job offer and put in 3 weeks notice, get asked to do 4 by manager. Owner has the manager call me and tell me to leave immediately and not come back during the busiest season.

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