
I quit and it forced a buy out

I quit my job as GM of a fast casual chain about a week ago. But let me explain how we got to this point The store was mismanaged for the two years I worked there, I was shift lead the majority of that time. The GM was only in the store about 10 hours a week, the assistant manager picking up most of the slack but the store was always falling behind. We were short staffed and we didn’t have a leader in the restaurant a lot of the time. The GM went full remote at the beginning of the summer. A couple weeks later the owner (who worked the line and was in store more than the GM) was arrested for impersonating a police officer. The police had reports of a man using a police badge to pat down women. So the police set up a sting with…

I quit my job as GM of a fast casual chain about a week ago. But let me explain how we got to this point

The store was mismanaged for the two years I worked there, I was shift lead the majority of that time. The GM was only in the store about 10 hours a week, the assistant manager picking up most of the slack but the store was always falling behind. We were short staffed and we didn’t have a leader in the restaurant a lot of the time. The GM went full remote at the beginning of the summer. A couple weeks later the owner (who worked the line and was in store more than the GM) was arrested for impersonating a police officer.

The police had reports of a man using a police badge to pat down women. So the police set up a sting with some underage looking undercover officers as bait and he patted both them down. So he got arrested and gave the ownership of the restaurant to his brother.

The new owner never showed up or did anything for the business. At the end of the summer the team found out the original owner never actually switched ownership, we’d all been working for the same guy. So the GM did a grand job of encouraging everyone to quit and trying to get the store to close.

Except I didn’t quit. I didn’t hear from an owner that the store was closing, so I kept working.
Three weeks ago, as everyone is on their last week of work except me, I get offered the GM position which I accept.

I became GM of a 0 person team, a restaurant that was 3 months delinquent on its accounts, had broken equipment, etc. I kicked ass for a week hiring people and getting equipment requests in, cleaning the store, etc.

Then I quit. I knew there was a low chance of the owner showing up and working, but I had no way to have a break from the restaurant without trained staff, and we had to stay open for a franchisee agreement. But I quit and then the store remained closed for 2 days and that was enough to allow corporate to enact a clause that let them forceable buy the franchise location for cheap.

Corporate then called and offered me a job at the place again. I negotiated for a two level demotion for my old shift lead position (I never wanted the responsibilities) with assistant manager pay. And somehow got an owner fired from his own business through all of it.

Nailed it.

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