
I quit and my boss would rather hire a more expensive replacement than pay me fairly

Hey all – I've been working on a dysfunctional Finance team for a few years. The CFO (my boss) has been stringing me along for 6 months about raises and promoting me from Assistant Controller to Controller (the Controller was fired in May and I took on the responsibilities but not title nor pay). My annual review was glowing, as I had taken on all of the new responsibilities and was getting things done more efficiently and accurately than my predecessor. He told me he was going to “take care of me” with money, only to give me a 2% raise. He said if I thought I could do better than that elsewhere, I should go for it and he'd be happy for me. I could see he was full of shit and didn't really value me. I took a few interviews and ultimately landed an offer for $100K at…

Hey all – I've been working on a dysfunctional Finance team for a few years. The CFO (my boss) has been stringing me along for 6 months about raises and promoting me from Assistant Controller to Controller (the Controller was fired in May and I took on the responsibilities but not title nor pay).

My annual review was glowing, as I had taken on all of the new responsibilities and was getting things done more efficiently and accurately than my predecessor. He told me he was going to “take care of me” with money, only to give me a 2% raise. He said if I thought I could do better than that elsewhere, I should go for it and he'd be happy for me.

I could see he was full of shit and didn't really value me. I took a few interviews and ultimately landed an offer for $100K at another organization. I'm not overstating it when I say I'm the only one on my current team that knows what they're doing. I thought for sure, as egotistical as the CFO is he'd see how up shit's creek he'd be without me and at least make some vague effort to keep me. I put in my notice on Monday, and he didn't flinch. No counter offer, not even a “sorry to see you go.”

I've been a bit in shock since then, and came to believe he was trying to get rid of me all along. Maybe he didn't like that people came to me for help and answers and not him. I don't know. Maybe he wanted to outsource the entire accounting operation. I don't know, but it stings because despite him I love my day to day work and love what the wider organization does and have been really happy to work there.

Today I saw that they posted a Controller job opening. I am so effing mad right now. I can't understand why he would let me and all my knowledge, relationships, and skills just walk out the door and instead pay more than I wanted (you're not getting that hire for less than $115K, I would have been OK with $100K) for someone off the street with no knowledge of the organization or process. He's the damn CFO! All I ever hear from him is preaching fiscal responsibility to every other department in the company! Forcing them to make cuts or smarter financial decisions! Yet here he is costing the company more in salary costs and a big hike in consultant fees to help bridge the gap. He never even asked me how much I wanted. Meanwhile he's been going around telling people that I “wanted more than he could give.” The only specific thing I ever asked for was a timeline of when to become the Controller.

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