
I quit and now the boss seems to want me back

So to give some context, I don't work the most luxurious job, I do pizza delivery which is enough to get me by while I'm working on my own business, helping my partner with her business and it gives me enough time to spend with my kids. But obviously this isn't what this is about. Back in the beginning of April I ended up finding out a friend of mine unalived himself which, after given substantial information, it is believed that he didn't even mean to. During that time frame I was working for a local company Tuesday Wednesday thrusday 11am to 9pm doing deliveries for them. I reconnected with My buddy's gf(which makes this even worse because I haven't actually spoken to him or her since November because there was this huge fight and both parties refused to talked to eachother) and while in a state of shock and…

So to give some context, I don't work the most luxurious job, I do pizza delivery which is enough to get me by while I'm working on my own business, helping my partner with her business and it gives me enough time to spend with my kids. But obviously this isn't what this is about.

Back in the beginning of April I ended up finding out a friend of mine unalived himself which, after given substantial information, it is believed that he didn't even mean to. During that time frame I was working for a local company Tuesday Wednesday thrusday 11am to 9pm doing deliveries for them.

I reconnected with My buddy's gf(which makes this even worse because I haven't actually spoken to him or her since November because there was this huge fight and both parties refused to talked to eachother) and while in a state of shock and grief we have helped each other alot. The Monday night before I was supposed to work, I received a message letting me know when the funeral was going be at 9pm that might, which happened to be the next day at 4 to 6. As soon as I found when it was Imediately messaged my boss and told him, even offering to work atleast half the day. Let me also state that i told him i refuse to miss the funeral. I received no response, and even into the next day I still receive no response as I'm working.

That Tuesday I'm doing my job as normal and at around 1230ish 1ish after not receiving a response all day, I sent my boss a text message stating basically along the lines of “I don't know what's going on but I'm letting you know that once I go pick my son up from school that's it for me for the day”. That sure as fuck got his attention.

He calls me maybe 10 minutes later completely bugging the fuck out on me telling me I was being unprofessional and that he's sick of his employees treating this job not like a real job amongst other things. After about 5 minutes of him just going off on me and not letting me get a word in he hangs up on me. Right then and there I was ready to quit, I felt highly disrespected, which would've been a completely different sentiment if he just called and talked to me, or ya know answering me that morning so we would have a plan set in place.

I also wanna clarify, that I never try to leave work or anything without having a plan in place first, just how I am, I used to be a manager at gamestop, guess it's just a habit I never truely lost. But here's the thing, because of that mindset the thrusday before this incident, I completely wasn't there for my SO when she was brought to the hospital for both a miscarriage and a cyst bursting in her cervix. I wasn't able to find a correct person to keep an eye on my kids and you know be there for her during that hard time. The other driver kept dodging me all the way and it was a mess. So I got to spend the whole time with my SO in the hospital at an underpaid job because everyone refused to help me.

Back onto the story, 2 of my coworkers when I told them what was going on was told me to just calm down and let my boss calm down because he normally isn't like that. So I tried that, I kept working like I would. TILL I received a message from him telling me the following:

“Well I can't find anyone this late I already try a few people. So you might have to go and come back to work brother this last minute shit is unacceptable going forward if I don't know shit at least 2-3 days in advance then consider it a NO unless is an emergency with your immediate family like your girl last week. You let me know what you want to do.”

That's what completely made me finally say fuck it. I tried to explain to him, I wasn't TRYING to do anything last minute, I told him as soon as I found out and the way he went about sending this message to me rubbed me the wrong way. What's even more fucked up is, if approached a different way, like without the phonecall earlier, I would've did this no problem. But his mannerisms and his attitude towards the situation really bothered me and again I felt disrespected. I tried to convey convey how I felt and received this in response:

“Yes this is a last minute stuff. if you were working at GameStop and you were the manager you couldn't just close the store and go to your friends funeral. ”

Which finally was the last straw, your incompetence to running a business isn't my problem so I responded with this:

“You haven't had anyone kill themselves have you? Specially someone you were really close with? That's what happened, he was my brother and I absolutely refuse to miss his funeral. I told you when I found out, that's all I could do, and as for your statement about gameatop, here's the thing when I was at gamestop IT was my job to find the coverage which i did time and time again. The amount of funerals and other such things I dealt with I found the coverage needed to be able to do what I needed to do cause it was my job. I'll be honest,, I like you as a person, you've been nothing but chill to me since we've met and I've never had any issues with you, but I don't think this job is for me. I already paid you for the food I owe you, and effective immediately, I terminate my status as an employee with you. I appreciate everything you have done for me and I won't forget my time within yiur business. Thank you.”

Inwhich all I received was:

“Ok. I see how it is. No prob.”

I WORKED AS A BOSS, and I had employees who would do anything for me because I was sympathetic towards whatever situation they brought to me and I helped them out and in return they helped me back, which is how it should be, he don't know how to be a leader or keep his business running the way it should and a lone driver isn't going to break everything, specially when you have someone, WHOSE AT THE RESTURANT AT THAT EXACT MOMENT, who can cover for me. I cashed out went home and the very next day I had a different job at a different pizzeria making the same amount if money, working 4 days a week 11 to 5.

I don't dread my shifts because I ain't there all damn day, not allowed to eat, amongst other things and if something happens they give me the time I need to figure out what I need to figure out and guess what? In return I will stay longer as my time allows and they don't just expect me to do what they say. Plus they have proper coverage! It's been great all things considered.

Fast forward to 2 weeks after I quit and things have kinda settled I'm enjoying my day off from work and I get a call from one of my old coworkers asking me if I can cover that day for them because the other driver just had a heart attack. What's funny is I was actually willing to do it but my SO was out and I had my kids so o had to wait till she came back before I could do anything. Which I said that to them. My old coworker was understanding and outta curiosity I asked him if the boss knew he was calling me and he responded telling me that it was the boss idea. The day after, one of the other guys that helps run the place basically then tried to guilt trip me into covering for the other driver till he could come back to work which I didn't exactly shut down but I was playing stupid.

They tried to talk this big game that there's someone to always replace a drivers spot but when push come to shove, they still don't have me replaced and only have fill ins till they can find a permanent driver, even going as far as to have one the kitchen staff driving only paying him the money from deliveries instead of his normal wage. Last I heard that same kitchen staff is currently on suspension cause he had a meltdown and trashed the restaurant.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna day the whole situation was all the boss fault because the way I handled it I feel like I could've did 20 tines better, but also given the fact that I was grieving a friend who unfortunately I never got to reconcile with before he died, I don't think I could've handled it any other way. So yeah, that's my story of the last month.

TLDR: Quit my old job because boss was a dick about my friend committing suicide and now they're trying to be slick to get me back.

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