
I quit/got fired from my job that was ruining my health and I honestly don’t know what to do when all the other jobs around me aren’t any better

I made a post about it already, but to summarize what happened: Basically I work at a McDonald’s as a manager in Mississippi, the managers in charge weren’t running their shift well so I had to pick up the slack at almost every area in grill while having them scream at us to go faster. They wouldn’t listen to any problems I brought up to them, didn’t give me a break, and basically left me to dry wherever they placed me. Told them I had heart issues I was getting worked out plenty of times, heart starts hurting, can’t breath, vision fading, I’m about to faint. Go to my boss and tell her I have to go home because I’m about to faint, mentioned the heart issues, got told that if I go home to never come back so I left. It wasn’t like I was a terrible worker, I…

I made a post about it already, but to summarize what happened:

Basically I work at a McDonald’s as a manager in Mississippi, the managers in charge weren’t running their shift well so I had to pick up the slack at almost every area in grill while having them scream at us to go faster. They wouldn’t listen to any problems I brought up to them, didn’t give me a break, and basically left me to dry wherever they placed me. Told them I had heart issues I was getting worked out plenty of times, heart starts hurting, can’t breath, vision fading, I’m about to faint. Go to my boss and tell her I have to go home because I’m about to faint, mentioned the heart issues, got told that if I go home to never come back so I left.

It wasn’t like I was a terrible worker, I got manager of the month last month for my hard work making sure the store is consistently good for visits and my constant improvements. I’ve been a valuable member of the team to everyone except for my boss who never listens to anyone.

But I don’t even know where to go next. It’s the same everywhere, I don’t have a booming job market by me because it’s all just these retail and fast food corporations. I’m moving away for college in less than a year so it’s not like I’m trapped in this situation for long, but I’ve tried so many different places and it all ends up not working out because they don’t want to listen to their workers and one time at a job I actually did fall out and my body just refused to move for weeks. And the thing is, doctors don’t know what’s wrong with me, so I’m going deeper into debt, paying a ton of money, just for little answers and nothing to hold against these employers legally.

I thought about maybe calling HR to have this worked out so I can at least get the job back somehow and save for a bit, I’m applying to remote jobs, I’m scoping out the surrounding areas for jobs at smaller companies, there’s hardly any options. I’m just so lost, everyone is telling me that my boss was in the wrong, but how is it that I’m the one that gets punished in the end and she gets to toss me away like a used rag. The second I got manager of the month it’s like I felt something like this would happen and immediately got concerned, I should’ve listened to my gut.

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