
I quit my job. they want me to stay on for another few days to finish work that needs to be done before the 1st – the reason I quit is due to low pay for what I do. Now suddenly they seem to realise how valuable I am as an employee…but won’t pay more for the next few days.

On the one hand, I can demand a reference letter in return. On the other hand, I am so pissed at them that the thought of being a part of the team any longer makes me want to scream. I don't know what to do. To them, and others, it probably seems I quit on a whim but it's been building up over months and months. I think today I will have some wine and worry about it tomorrow.

On the one hand, I can demand a reference letter in return. On the other hand, I am so pissed at them that the thought of being a part of the team any longer makes me want to scream.

I don't know what to do. To them, and others, it probably seems I quit on a whim but it's been building up over months and months.

I think today I will have some wine and worry about it tomorrow.

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