
I quit my job three weeks ago.

It was terrifying. I was shaking when I handed in all my equipment, but every day afterwards has felt like my own. No unrealistic deadlines or budgets, no Teams messages or emails 24/7 that I don’t even want to respond to anyhow. It’s been so freeing! I’ve tapped into creativity around generating income that I didn’t have access to before. I am by no means feeling financially secure, but I feel confident to try new, bold things because I literally don’t have any other choice. Part of what held me back was lack of certainty around health benefits, as I have a couple of health conditions that require ongoing doctor visits and medications. I was lucky to find coverage to cover the big things, but the smaller things are going to be 100% out of pocket. I feel okay with that. Will this work-free chapter last? I don’t know. I’ll…

It was terrifying. I was shaking when I handed in all my equipment, but every day afterwards has felt like my own. No unrealistic deadlines or budgets, no Teams messages or emails 24/7 that I don’t even want to respond to anyhow. It’s been so freeing!

I’ve tapped into creativity around generating income that I didn’t have access to before. I am by no means feeling financially secure, but I feel confident to try new, bold things because I literally don’t have any other choice.

Part of what held me back was lack of certainty around health benefits, as I have a couple of health conditions that require ongoing doctor visits and medications. I was lucky to find coverage to cover the big things, but the smaller things are going to be 100% out of pocket. I feel okay with that.

Will this work-free chapter last? I don’t know. I’ll see if one of my side hustles picks up and invest time in exploring skill sets that interest me.

Can anyone relate? Anyone curious to take the plunge but scared? I’d like to connect with others in a similar position.

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