
I quit today and I feel great.

I am based in the U.K. and I worked remotely for a company based quite far south. It’s all case based (which wasn’t at all what I signed up for) and we had one big client that wasn’t giving us much work but enough for our team, so management decided we were taking cases from other teams. Our team also shrunk from 10 people to 7 as others were reassigned. The work had been ramping up for weeks and I couldn’t physically get to all of it. I’m not the best worker out there but I had achieved on average 134% of my monthly revenue targets during my time there. All well and good but I needed to be more of a “team player”. I am sitting there with more than enough to do, working flat out to keep up, not taking toilet breaks, not stopping to eat and their…

I am based in the U.K. and I worked remotely for a company based quite far south. It’s all case based (which wasn’t at all what I signed up for) and we had one big client that wasn’t giving us much work but enough for our team, so management decided we were taking cases from other teams. Our team also shrunk from 10 people to 7 as others were reassigned. The work had been ramping up for weeks and I couldn’t physically get to all of it. I’m not the best worker out there but I had achieved on average 134% of my monthly revenue targets during my time there. All well and good but I needed to be more of a “team player”.

I am sitting there with more than enough to do, working flat out to keep up, not taking toilet breaks, not stopping to eat and their portal keeps flashing up “A case has been allocated to you” even way past 4 o clock. (I worked 7-4.30)

Last night someone signed me up for overtime to help out on these other cases without telling me (at no point did someone ask me), I Iogged on this morning to see not only a backlog of freshly allocated cases, my usual worklist of cases already in progress but also an email to say my annual leave next week has been cancelled due us being short-staffed as two more on our team are leaving. I guess they weren’t brave enough to send it during work hours.

With another day of extreme workloads and the prospect of not going to Sardinia next week, I snapped. I waited until 9am, handed in my resignation and followed it up a with call.

I was told they would take back the cases they allocated after I finished and I could have my leave back, but I’m so drained, I just said “nah”. I told them I will box up my equipment and they must collect it before Wednesday next week.

So far today, I have taken the dog for a proper walk, caught up on my laundry and played some Football Manager, something i’m always too tired to bother with.

Tomorrow I will look for another job!

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