
I realize something.

I realized that when I use to work at these places. I used to think that the other people are the problem, But once you get to realize that some people don't take things as serious as you do. And that is my problem I think about Burger King and other places and expect the other workers to put 110% in like I do. But I realize with the name of the job, you shouldn't do over the bare minimum. And that is what costed me a job, because of how I got furious over that. Lucky, I got that job back. I realized when I haven't been working these past 7 months that I have been feeling useless and I didn't have that joy I used to have. Now I hopefully will get it back. I felt like a useless person to the society. But now, I hope to…

I realized that when I use to work at these places. I used to think that the other people are the problem, But once you get to realize that some people don't take things as serious as you do.

And that is my problem I think about Burger King and other places and expect the other workers to put 110% in like I do. But I realize with the name of the job, you shouldn't do over the bare minimum.

And that is what costed me a job, because of how I got furious over that.

Lucky, I got that job back. I realized when I haven't been working these past 7 months that I have been feeling useless and I didn't have that joy I used to have. Now I hopefully will get it back. I felt like a useless person to the society. But now, I hope to get back on track,

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