
I really don’t like sitting down for so many hours

I started a new job at an office and so far things have been ok but there are some issues. One of the main reasons I really don't like to work in an office setting is because of how long you have to sit still for. Most offices still use the traditional sit-down desks. It kills my back and hip flexors and makes glute muscles atrophy thus worsening the problem. Not to mention that my eyes burn from staring at screens all day. Regular breaks are not an option. And these are considered less physically demanding jobs. Is there any way to work without destroying your body? Anywhere? Im starting to doubt. I still have to spend my paycheck from said job on massages, Chiropractors or physical therapy. its a scam

I started a new job at an office and so far things have been ok but there are some issues. One of the main reasons I really don't like to work in an office setting is because of how long you have to sit still for. Most offices still use the traditional sit-down desks. It kills my back and hip flexors and makes glute muscles atrophy thus worsening the problem. Not to mention that my eyes burn from staring at screens all day. Regular breaks are not an option. And these are considered less physically demanding jobs. Is there any way to work without destroying your body? Anywhere? Im starting to doubt. I still have to spend my paycheck from said job on massages, Chiropractors or physical therapy. its a scam

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