
I really don’t understand why part time jobs want to know my life background.

Almost every time when I applied for part time jobs want to know about college, where I exactly live, my age and life backgrounds. Those are just easy jobs doesn't require certain degree or something but they act like they are big companies. I personally don't want to share my stuff unless it's “Actual Job” and that's the why I'm afraid to take another part time jobs if I want to. They are too picky and tend to waste my time on job interview because most of them won't hire me. Also, there are too many part time jobs that only hire certain gender, and have age limitations(like if you over this age, you can't apply for this job) where I live and that is pretty much discriminatory.

Almost every time when I applied for part time jobs want to know about college, where I exactly live, my age and life backgrounds.

Those are just easy jobs doesn't require certain degree or something but they act like they are big companies.

I personally don't want to share my stuff unless it's “Actual Job” and that's the why I'm afraid to take another part time jobs if I want to. They are too picky and tend to waste my time on job interview because most of them won't hire me.

Also, there are too many part time jobs that only hire certain gender, and have age limitations(like if you over this age, you can't apply for this job) where I live and that is pretty much discriminatory.

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