
“I really need you to train your replacement right.”

So a few years ago I got a job working security for a shitty little security company. I gave it a month I didn't like it so my dumb ass gave them the two weeks notice. So they had two weeks to send me a trainee to train. On my last day, on the day that I literally cared the least they sent me a guy to train. Alright I'll do my best. So the kid gets there and immediately just sets up his laptop start gaming. And I told him that we were going to train today, his response was “well they told me that I could be on my computer.” Which they had told me that too, they didn't really give two shits. And I responded with “well I kind of need to train you to do the job first.” So in a huff he closed his computer…

So a few years ago I got a job working security for a shitty little security company. I gave it a month I didn't like it so my dumb ass gave them the two weeks notice. So they had two weeks to send me a trainee to train.

On my last day, on the day that I literally cared the least they sent me a guy to train. Alright I'll do my best. So the kid gets there and immediately just sets up his laptop start gaming. And I told him that we were going to train today, his response was “well they told me that I could be on my computer.” Which they had told me that too, they didn't really give two shits. And I responded with “well I kind of need to train you to do the job first.”

So in a huff he closed his computer and I attempted to show him what to do. And the entire time he's on his phone. Now this is my last day I don't really give a shit if he learns it or not.

So at the end of the night I give him control of everything and as I predicted he couldn't do any of it because he wasn't paying attention. So the shift ends. And the manager calls me and asks me how he did.

I don't sugarcoat anything, I let him know that the kid didn't pay attention so he didn't learn a goddamn thing. So here's how the next conversation went.

Manager: “so can you train him again tonight?”
Me: “no I start at my new job tonight.”
Manager: “So can't come in tonight?”
Me: “no as I said in my email last night was my last night”
Manager: “but he needs to be trained”
Me: “then I would suggest you find somebody to train him”

At that point I hung up, I was done with the conversation. On my way home he called me another dozen times, I didn't pick up.

If you want your people trained well, Don't have their trainer be the person who's quitting. They have no investment in how this person does.

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