
I really, really hate sales.

I just cannot stand sales. I have a fucking bachelors degree in sales which I’m really regretting right now. Here is why. My job is to just make dials all day long. The minimum is 50. All I hear managers talking about is how we need more opps. We need to be doing more to get more opps. Why don’t we have more opps. They have a meeting with their manager and need to know why we don’t have opps. I’m so fucking sick of it. The other day, I had to take a day of PTO because my computer wasn’t working properly. Well the next day, my boss told me I had to make up those missed calls. Huh? I just used pto for that though. So why not I have just not use my pto if I’m going to have to make up my dials? It’s really stupid.…

I just cannot stand sales. I have a fucking bachelors degree in sales which I’m really regretting right now.

Here is why. My job is to just make dials all day long. The minimum is 50. All I hear managers talking about is how we need more opps. We need to be doing more to get more opps. Why don’t we have more opps. They have a meeting with their manager and need to know why we don’t have opps.

I’m so fucking sick of it. The other day, I had to take a day of PTO because my computer wasn’t working properly. Well the next day, my boss told me I had to make up those missed calls. Huh? I just used pto for that though. So why not I have just not use my pto if I’m going to have to make up my dials? It’s really stupid. I’m sick to death of all anyone talking about is getting opportunities. We have a morning meeting and an evening meeting. All we do is is talk about sales strategy, THATS IT.

I feel like I’m in trouble because people won’t answer the phones. I make at least 50 calls a day and most of the time I leave a pointless voicemail. I have to call the same people 3-4 times a week while also emailing them and messaging them on LinkedIn. I feel bad for hounding these people constantly. Wether or not people pick up the phone is completely out of my control. And I can do my best to convince them to set a meeting (which is the objective of my call), but again if they say no it’s out of my control. But then I look bad because I’m not meeting my numbers. I just really really hate sales. Any time I search for a “marketing” job or anything fucking business related, all I can find are more of the same of what I’m doing now. Just more jobs that require a mind numbing amount of phone calls. Do you know how it feels to sit on the phone all day listening to ringing and dealing with automated voice operators? My brain feels like soup after a day of work.

This isn’t related to sales but I have over 90 hours of PTO burning a hole in my pocket. But my manager makes me feel so guilty every time I use any.

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