
I really wish my GM didn’t just tell me this

I live in a 1 party consent state to be clear up front. I am going to send an email to both DM and GM as a way to get this in writing I know how to handle this situation even in an employer friendly state that is IN. So to begin I work at a restaurant, a peice of equipment that I work with every time has been left on all night multiple times and this is a dangerous thing leaving the kettles on overnight leads to multiple different problems. Every time this happens I say something and it's fine for a while. I understand accidents happens people are forgetful I understand all that but I've been trying to tell them multiple times and it still happens more than it even should. Eventually it stops working and I'm down a kettle. Pissed off as can be not happy and…

I live in a 1 party consent state to be clear up front. I am going to send an email to both DM and GM as a way to get this in writing I know how to handle this situation even in an employer friendly state that is IN.

So to begin I work at a restaurant, a peice of equipment that I work with every time has been left on all night multiple times and this is a dangerous thing leaving the kettles on overnight leads to multiple different problems. Every time this happens I say something and it's fine for a while. I understand accidents happens people are forgetful I understand all that but I've been trying to tell them multiple times and it still happens more than it even should. Eventually it stops working and I'm down a kettle. Pissed off as can be not happy and just over it I've told them multiple times. Fast forward a few months since to today and it breaks again.

Here's the kicker. I tell my GM that its broken again and that it has been left on multiple times before and has broken once before since I been here.
I ask for this in writing and he gives me shit saying he knows more than I equipment breaks blah blah blah. Saying why do I insist on getting things in writing.

Honestly this isn't the first time I was told that and it's not my only issue. If I could get another job I would just venting about the sheer stupidity of MOFOS

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