
I refuse. I quit. Huh?

I’m so confused by all the posts on here. People just quit their jobs because something happens that makes them unhappy. Who are these people and how are they…surviving? Do other people not have to pay for housing, food, gas, insurance, etc. or am I missing something? I understand that the system is broken, but who can afford to just quit when work does something they don’t like? I’ve never known of a job that doesn’t have its inconveniences or annoying attributes. Everyone I know, complains about their job, but none of us can just quit. Genuinely curious as to how people are doing it. Don’t gate keep!

I’m so confused by all the posts on here. People just quit their jobs because something happens that makes them unhappy. Who are these people and how are they…surviving? Do other people not have to pay for housing, food, gas, insurance, etc. or am I missing something?

I understand that the system is broken, but who can afford to just quit when work does something they don’t like? I’ve never known of a job that doesn’t have its inconveniences or annoying attributes. Everyone I know, complains about their job, but none of us can just quit.

Genuinely curious as to how people are doing it. Don’t gate keep!

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