
I sat down for 10 minutes on a busy Thursday and got my hours reduced. So I quit.

I worked at a really shitty pizzeria. Shit pay, shit benefits. I was a shift manager, and we had gotten a new store manager about a month ago. The store manager was fucking awful and got consistently worse. Last Thursday, a football day (in Texas!) he scheduled 2 dirvers outside of their availability. I let the first go because she asked to, and because I had another coming in. Turned out the one replacing her was also outside his avilability so he went home too–without clearing it with me. I also had two cooks, one was 30 minutes late, the other two hours late. I don't know why the second hadn't been fired yet either, he was consistently late. I had another driver who was doing videos because the DM told him he needed them done ASAP. I was cutting pizzas with maybe 4 people in the store total and…

I worked at a really shitty pizzeria. Shit pay, shit benefits. I was a shift manager, and we had gotten a new store manager about a month ago.

The store manager was fucking awful and got consistently worse. Last Thursday, a football day (in Texas!) he scheduled 2 dirvers outside of their availability. I let the first go because she asked to, and because I had another coming in. Turned out the one replacing her was also outside his avilability so he went home too–without clearing it with me. I also had two cooks, one was 30 minutes late, the other two hours late. I don't know why the second hadn't been fired yet either, he was consistently late. I had another driver who was doing videos because the DM told him he needed them done ASAP. I was cutting pizzas with maybe 4 people in the store total and I was getting overwhelmed so I sat down for 10 minutes because if I didn't I was going to walk out the door.

Today I see the schedule for this week posted (because SM is chronically late about posting it). I've been scheduled for only 20 hours, and not working Thursday at all apparently. I asked him why. He said because I sat down for 5 minutes, he's reducing my hours and I'm no longer working Thursdays (which is such a good idea and definitely won't make labor worse on Thursday, wtf?). He said “well that's how the schedule's gonna be” when I explained we were understaffed due to his poor scheduling and chronic lack of communication. I'm tired. I'm sick of dealing with him, all for 11.50 an hour. I tell him–you know what? Keep the schedule. I quit.

Yeah I could've threatened him more. Gone through with the week of…230$, maybe. Or waited to be fired and filed for unemployment–if I would even have made enough to get it. But honestly, I feel more relieved than I've felt in a long while.

Edit for typos and clarifications.

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